The Dungeons

April 2009
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12:01 am: [info]wheezy_wizards OWL POST: Every wizard and witch we have ever met
04:53 am: [info]sicarian Returning
06:21 am: [info]rjohnlupin Note to Sirius Black left on the table.
06:50 am: [info]persuade_me Owl Post: Lily Granger Weasley
07:04 am: [info]my_inner_i Note sent to Dexter via a Red Kite
11:13 am: [info]allandsundry note delivered by confused Hogwarts house elf to all staff
11:24 am: [info]snuff_dog OWL POST: Harry Potter
11:35 am: [info]london_bestiary jobberknoll post: Madame Fishbein, London Magical Zoo
11:55 am: [info]cubwort Note sent up to Grim Cottage via elf, addressed to Remus Lupin and Sirius Black
12:08 pm: [info]vereticus Conversation between Klara and Jacek Grayson near the standing stones
12:11 pm: [info]snuff_dog OWL POST: Remus Lupin, c/o Lusor & Sons Publishing
12:12 pm: [info]quidditch_prat OWL POST: Lily Weasley
12:35 pm: [info]quidditch_prat OWL POST: Sirius Black
12:37 pm: [info]vereticus Owl post from Klara to Danica Grayson
01:26 pm: [info]upuaut Conversation overheard near the buffet
03:41 pm: [info]loopy_love Conversation by the cospe of trees by the lake
03:43 pm: [info]wronski_feint Private Post
04:44 pm: [info]cauldron_brew Conversation in the rose garden, Hogwarts
05:10 pm: [info]persuade_me (no subject)
07:57 pm: [info]aurorbabe Owl Post: Marcellus Dolohov-Snape
08:03 pm: [info]operculum Floo call to the Hogwarts kitchens
08:09 pm: [info]rjohnlupin At Hogwarts - the Reunion
08:12 pm: [info]expecto_my_arse Letter on Cirque D'Mentor Stationery
08:30 pm: [info]dozhd Conversation on the lawn, Hogwarts
08:52 pm: [info]weasleymum Origami Note: Arthur Weasley
09:09 pm: [info]skeeters_scoop Hogwarts Reunion Marked by Befuddlement
09:15 pm: [info]acid_pops RRRRR
09:20 pm: [info]allandsundry Conversation, doorway, Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
09:25 pm: [info]persuade_me Conversation near the fountain
09:59 pm: [info]muggletricity Return Origami Note: Molly Weasley
10:14 pm: [info]kxs62 (no subject)
10:30 pm: [info]a_elfs_life In a darkened Lake Cottage conservatory
10:40 pm: [info]allandsundry Conversation near the Hogwarts Lake
11:00 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Conversation in the gazebo, Hogwarts gardens
11:00 pm: [info]sicarian Owl Post: Draco Malfoy
11:50 pm: [info]redgoldpride [filter: private]
12:20 am: [info]allandsundry Peregrine Posthaste Post: Allegra Zabini to Hyperion de Medici
09:56 am: [info]operculum Owl post to Fred and George Weasley
12:21 pm: [info]allandsundry Text sent to Harry's mobile
06:56 pm: [info]vereticus Conversation between Edmund Lowell and Edgar Lowell in the farm kitchen
08:36 pm: [info]acid_pops Generally broadcast wish, which I hope will be noted by a kindly soul
08:45 pm: [info]loopy_love (Private Post) The Best Possible Scenario
01:30 am: [info]wheezy_wizards OWL POST: Horace Slughorn
04:27 am: [info]upuaut (private post)
09:33 am: [info]operculum Owl post to Fred and George Weasley
07:58 am: [info]sicarian Owl Post: Draco Malfoy
10:48 pm: [info]persuade_me [filter: Harry Potter]
10:49 pm: [info]persuade_me [filter: Arthur and Molly Weasley]
01:20 pm: [info]allandsundry Conversation on Hogsmeade train platform
01:19 pm: [info]snuff_dog OWL POST: Harry Potter
09:58 pm: [info]loopy_love Conversation in the Living Room of the Hollow
10:04 am: [info]allandsundry Owl post from the Magical Menagerie to Bill Weasley
10:16 am: [info]upuaut Conversation in the kitchen of the Hollow
10:03 am: [info]allandsundry Conversation outside of Luna's office at the Quibbler
01:58 pm: [info]quidditch_prat OWL POST: Luna Lovegood
07:34 pm: [info]quidditch_prat OWL POST: Sirius Black
12:44 am: [info]upuaut Owl post to Arthur and Molly Weasley, the Burrow
12:13 pm: [info]muggletricity Owl Post Bill Weasley
06:15 pm: [info]quidditch_prat OWL POST: Bill Weasley
06:48 pm: [info]upuaut Owl post to Harry Potter
08:41 pm: [info]allandsundry Converstion in the Wells' kitchen after dinner
09:12 pm: [info]quidditch_prat OWL POST: Bill Weasley
03:39 am: [info]upuaut (private post)
10:55 am: [info]loopy_love I know that I love shoes, but...
11:50 pm: [info]upuaut Marrakech
11:32 pm: [info]upuaut Marrakech
11:11 pm: [info]upuaut Marrakech
10:25 am: [info]loopy_love Conversation in the courtyard of the riad in Marrakech
11:05 am: [info]redgoldpride Owl Post: Viktor Krum
01:05 pm: [info]wronski_feint Private post
09:49 pm: [info]aurorbabe Conversation at Lake Cottage, just outside the dining room
10:50 pm: [info]wheezy_wizards OWL POST: Horace Slughorn
11:19 pm: [info]quidditch_prat Conversation in the Lake Cottage library
11:35 pm: [info]operculum Owl post to Fred and George Weasley
05:48 pm: [info]persuade_me Conversation in the conservatory at Lake Cottage
09:14 am: [info]cauldron_brew Memo posted on the staff room door, Hogwarts
04:33 pm: [info]persuade_me Conversation in the library at Lake Cottage
11:45 pm: [info]allandsundry Note written on the back of an unmarked student essay, wafted through the Hogwarts floo
10:15 am: [info]persuade_me Floo Call: Blaise Zabini
08:32 pm: [info]upuaut Conversation in Luna's rooms at Hogwarts
12:02 am: [info]persuade_me Floo Call: Marcellus Dolohov
08:48 pm: [info]loopy_love Delivery: Bill Weasley
12:36 pm: [info]upuaut Conversation at Celyn Cottage
09:50 pm: [info]snuff_dog FLOO CALL: Lake Cottage
10:17 pm: [info]cauldron_brew OWL POST: Lucius Malfoy
11:35 am: [info]acid_pops Scroll of Parchment delivered to the Headmaster's Office by the Gargoyle
03:15 pm: [info]cauldron_brew Conversation next to the Hogwarts lake
06:43 pm: [info]muggletricity Conversation in the kitchen of the Burrow
11:11 pm: [info]upuaut Floo call to Fred and George Weasley
02:24 pm: [info]snuff_dog FLOO CALL: Hogwarts Library
04:48 pm: [info]allandsundry Owl Post: William Arthur Weasley
06:46 pm: [info]weasleymum Owl Post- Ginny Weasley
06:49 pm: [info]persuade_me Conversation in Lake Cottage Conservatory
03:21 am: [info]upuaut (private post)
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