The Dungeons

April 12th, 2009

06:15 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - OWL POST: Bill Weasley


Sorry to have missed you at the Burrow earlier; Severus went to Mass this morning, so we held lunch until he was back. And then Lily dropped her chocolate bunny and do you realise how bloody fast those fuckers hop away? I swear it was worse than a pack of Chocolate Frogs. (By the way, she's delighted with the stuffed bunny you left for her, and I suspect Scorpius is as well given that he's had his in his mouth all afternoon. Sign of great affection there. Or another tooth coming in. Let's hope for the former, shall we? He gets far too cranky when he starts teething again.)

Anyway. Thing is, your dad was a bit worried about you. Said you were, well, being a bit too nice and hail-fellow-well-met, you know? He thought it might have just been Ginny being about, but, look, Bill, I remember what happened a year ago today. And I reckon you do too. And you don't want anyone to worry about you, like usual. Idiot. So, yeah, I guess this is just me saying I do remember, and if you need to talk about it, well, I went through it too in my own way, so. Right. Let me know.


06:48 pm - [info]upuaut - Owl post to Harry Potter


I'm always nice!

Sorry for the delay, took a bit to find an owl. Luna says 'hello' and all that good stuff. Glad to hear the bunnies have gone over well.

Don't know what Dad's thinking. Bit awkward, yeah, but that's to be expected with Ginny and Luna in the same room and everyone trying to make sure they don't have to talk to one another. And as to the other, never better! I appreciate the concern, but it's not an issue. I don't even think about it anymore. But I'll talk to you when Luna and I get back from our trip, all right? Find a time to walk 'round that lake and see you all. I have to get back to the others, was right in the middle of a comparative banking discussion when your owl arrived. Hope the rest of your Easter is wonderful.


08:41 pm - [info]allandsundry - Converstion in the Wells' kitchen after dinner

*a clatter of dishes and serving platters as they sort themselves and pile into the sink and another clatter as they start washing themselves*

What was the point of volunteering me to help you clear the table if you just had ( every intention of doing it with magic anyway? )

09:12 pm - [info]quidditch_prat - OWL POST: Bill Weasley


Bullshit. But whatever.

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