Beth H (bethbethbeth) wrote in hp_beholder, @ 2009-05-10 12:01:00 |
Entry tags: | augusta longbottom, beholder 2009, femslash, fic, minerva mcgonagall |
FIC: "A Toast to Lord Voldemort" for woldy
Recipient: woldy
Author/Artist: magnetic_pole
Title: A Toast to Lord Voldemort
Rating: PG
Pairings: Minerva McGonagall/Augusta Longbottom
Word Count: 4500
Summary: Neville joins an unexpected celebration.
If there was one thing Neville had learned in twenty-three years of acquaintance with his grandmother—twenty-four, if you assume, like Neville did, that she had begun bossing him around in the womb—it was that Augusta Longbottom would not take no for answer. After a brief period of painful and rather unsuccessful rebellion in his late teens, Neville was gradually coming to the conclusion that his childish self had had the right idea, after all: best to acquiesce quickly and get the task over with.
Hermione always said he needed to be more firm with her, but then again, Hermione had never received 17 owls in a single afternoon. That was what ended the teenage rebellion, really. There was firm, and then there was foolhardy.
All of which is to say that there was really only one course of action open to Neville on that sunny July afternoon, when a terse summons to the Department of Interminable Fine Print arrived. Favor requested, minor but urgent, Gran had written. Despite the fact that he had been enjoying a leisurely late-afternoon cup of tea with the Mandrakes in Greenhouse Four, Neville Apparated immediately, leaving a half cup of tea and two biscuits on his workbench.
Best see what she needed, before the next owl arrived.