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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]ragdoll! [Apr. 25th, 2009|02:23 pm]

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Title: Bathroom Break
Recipient: [info]ragdoll
Author/Artist: [info]shocfix
Pairings/Characters: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: oral, rimming, and there is sound, too...
Word Count or Medium: a bit of everything, really
Summary: All Tonks wanted to do was take a bath.

Author/Artist's Notes: Ah, [info]ragdoll, we will have to blame you for this. I cannot draw. Really, really cannot. If only your user name was [info]bad_collage or [info]awful_painting... many thanks to R for the 'beta', and to the lovely mods for giving me this opportunity and enabling me violently when I told them what I was doing…

Download from Sendspace, HERE.

Mod's Note: This is a large file and an .EXE but it is safe to open. Do not fear viruses or anything but awesomeness. This is completely worth the time it might take you to download. The run time is about 5 minutes (I think?) and it will run full screen. Be sure to have your speakers on before opening.

Mod's Note #2: Sorry, mac users. I don't know how to make it work for you? I am contacting the creator- perhaps the knowledge is there.
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April Fools, [info]vivien529! [Apr. 22nd, 2009|03:01 pm]

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Title: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair
Recipient: [info]vivien529
Author/Artist: [info]thegildedmagpie
Word Count or Medium: Canvas, paper, charcoal, pastel chalk, Mod Podge, acrylic paint, coated copper wire, fimo clay, pen and ink, assorted glass and semiprecious beads, fabric, a ring, ribbon, furniture tacks and a Shelley quote.
Pairings/Characters: Tom Riddle with a side of Tom/Ginny
Rating: PG
Warnings/Kinks: none
Summary: Tom Riddle surrounded by the work of his hands.
Author/Artist's Notes: Many thanks to my partner P for doing Tom’s handwriting, and for saving me when I was too frustrated even to scream. Additional thanks to E for the Tom/Ginny dialogue that fills the diary.

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair )
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April Fools, [info]deborak! [Apr. 29th, 2008|06:34 pm]

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Title: At Flourish and Blotts
Recipient: [info]deborak
Author/Artist: Wouldn't you like to know? (aka Fool #30) / [info]snapelike
Medium: Card stock, scissors. 5 year old self?
Characters: Lucius vs Arthur (if you squint).
Rating: G
Warnings/Kinks: None
Summary:"Mr Weasley had a cut lip and Mr Malfoy was hit in the eye by an Encyclopedia of Toadstools.". (JKR, CoS4)
Of course the Encyclopedia is a magic book, so things are supposed to happen when it is dropped on some poor unsuspecting pure-blood wizard by a brutal Mr Weasley. ;0)

Author/Artist'sPaper Cutter's Notes: See, now this is unfair. No writing, no drawing... so I went back to kindergarten and now I have glue all over the place. And little pieces of cardboard!

At Flourish and Blotts )
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April Fools, [info]snapelike! [Apr. 28th, 2008|01:24 am]

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Title: An Airing Out in Autumn & Under Scrutiny
Recipient: [info]snapelike
Author/Artist: Fool # 28 / [info]nightfall
Word Count or Medium: 1431w - Origami, sharpie, white-out, and photoshop (We’re supposed to work out-medium, but I loved the prompt and just had to write for it, too)
Pairings/Characters: SS, MM, AD, a hint of LM/SS – SS, MM, Hogwarts
Rating: Worksafe
Warnings/Kinks: Woe. A purplish sort of hue. Dub-respect.
Summary/Notes: Dumbledore’s announcement of Snape’s status as a spy for the Order wasn’t met with a demand for evidence, suggesting he’d already been cleared. People go to Azkaban even to wait for trial. The prompt was ‘a new professor seeks comfort,’ but comfort isn’t something they really believe in.

Author/Artist's Notes: Thanks to McG for the character consult, and to our gracious PR1 for the beta (and her patience)!

A fic )

Some art )
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April Fools, [info]vivien529! [Apr. 27th, 2008|10:52 am]

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Title: Interview with a Teacher
Recipient: [info]vivien529
Artist: Fool #27 / [info]jaelle_n_gilla
Medium: modeling clay, various textiles, paint, camera ....
Character: Minerva McGonagall post-HP time
Rating: G
Warnings/Kinks: none (sorry)
Summary: I guess the title says it all.

Author/Artist's Notes: I created a hand puppet and ran a little interview with her for show's sake. The main creation is the puppet itself, I think, so I include the making-of.

Dear Vivien, )
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April Fools, [info]carmine_ink! [Apr. 9th, 2008|12:34 am]

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Title: Nights With No Moon
Recipient: [info]carmine_ink
Author/Artist: Fool #9 / [info]ladyblack888
Word Count or Medium: cardboard, glue, fake silver, black gouache, handmade stencil and cleaning enzymes
Pairings/Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG (for bare torsos)
Warnings/Kinks: N/A
Summary: Living at night in the city.

Author/Artist's Notes: You asked for bohemian and that made me SO happy. And I thought of fire escapes. Don't ask, I just love them and love people hanging out in them. ^_^ I had a blast figuring out this technique when I didn't have the right materials. And save for almost catching my couch on fire, it was very satisfying. Pity that saving it in the computer ruined part of the effect, but I hope you like it!

Nights With No Moon )
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April Fools, [info]gingertart50 [Apr. 6th, 2008|12:30 pm]

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Title: Altered Book project
Recipient: [info]gingertart50
Author/Artist: Fool #6 / [info]pokeystar
Word Count or Medium: Altered Book, see notes below
Pairings/Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: R ?
Warnings/Kinks: Umm, men kissing and partially nude? Is that a problem around here?
Summary: An Altered Book presentation of GingerTart's "Echoes"
Author/Artist's Notes:

Notes & details )
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