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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]ragdoll! [Apr. 25th, 2009|02:23 pm]

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Title: Bathroom Break
Recipient: [info]ragdoll
Author/Artist: [info]shocfix
Pairings/Characters: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: oral, rimming, and there is sound, too...
Word Count or Medium: a bit of everything, really
Summary: All Tonks wanted to do was take a bath.

Author/Artist's Notes: Ah, [info]ragdoll, we will have to blame you for this. I cannot draw. Really, really cannot. If only your user name was [info]bad_collage or [info]awful_painting... many thanks to R for the 'beta', and to the lovely mods for giving me this opportunity and enabling me violently when I told them what I was doing…

Download from Sendspace, HERE.

Mod's Note: This is a large file and an .EXE but it is safe to open. Do not fear viruses or anything but awesomeness. This is completely worth the time it might take you to download. The run time is about 5 minutes (I think?) and it will run full screen. Be sure to have your speakers on before opening.

Mod's Note #2: Sorry, mac users. I don't know how to make it work for you? I am contacting the creator- perhaps the knowledge is there.
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April Fools, [info]torino10154! [Apr. 1st, 2009|07:09 pm]

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Title: Ripe Autumn Delights
Recipient: [info]torino10154
Cough, Artist, Cough: [info]alexis_sd
Pairings: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: NWS, full frontal nudity, rimming, Snape's very much alive, as for Ginny, does anyone really care?
Medium: pencils, Photoshop
Summary: It's not only grapes that one can eat in the vineyard.

Artist's Notes: Dear [info]torino10154, Happy Fool's Day!
It took me quite long to decide what I want to draw for you (apart from the pairing that was decided immediately). It was not the lack of ideas that stumbled me; it was the lack of talent to turn them into reality. It was by pure luck that while browsing the net I saw a pic and it all came to me. You asked for Snape/Harry, light bondage, outdoor!sex and rimming among other things. Those fit great into the idea that I had. It all came down to making it emerge on the sheet. I am proud that I could make it. While it has a lot of faults that I see, my talent only goes so far, so that's it. I hope you and all the actual artists that might be offended by my brief venture into their domain, would forgive me for the lack of good shadowing, perspective or whatever else is missing.
So, dear [info]torino10154, have fun in this naughtiest of months and may my attempt at art make you happy.

Ripe Autumn Delights )
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