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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]alisanne! [Apr. 8th, 2010|08:43 pm]

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Title: Damn The Man!
Recipient: [info]alisanne
Creator: [info]tincat
Format: Illustrated Poem!
Pairings/Characters: Harry/Luna, Snape
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Kinks: Drinking, hand job against a wall in a club, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Harry in a skirt and boots, very tenuous connection of title to content (I tried, I really did! They wanted it to go this way, though, and I couldn't stop them), terrible art (for serious, it is photoshopped Barbies, I'm so sorry, I just can't draw at all), not canon
Summary: Harry and Luna go to a (probably goth) club and get a little over excited, someone gets to watch.
Artist's Notes: Well I've never done anything like this before! I tried really hard to get the kinks in and still avoid your squicks, and I think I've pulled it off - I like ambiguous endings, so that was a challenge, but hopefully it's concrete and happy enough for your liking. I so hope you like it! I apologise for the quality of the art because, well, I'm a terrible terrible artist, but hopefully the poem makes up for it. Harry and Luna are of age.

Damn The Man )
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April Fools, [info]sdk! [May. 1st, 2009|10:53 pm]

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Title: "Composition 1A: Pervert with Pensieve and Pickle"
Recipient: [info]sdk
Author/Artist: [info]pre_raphaelite1 and [info]thegildedmagpie
Word Count or Medium: Luna: Pen, coloured pencil, and paper; Remus/Sirius: Sculpey clay
Pairings/Characters: Luna with Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: Voyeurism, masturbation, Anal-Vegetable insertion, crossdressing
Summary: Luna has a pensieve and a penchant for pickles (and creators who like alliteration).
Author/Artist's Notes: [info]sdk, we wanted to include as many of your prompts and interests as we could, hence Luna's toy. We sort of missed the request for no food!smut once we saw you listed "pickles" in your interests... If you like, we can tell you that it's not a pickle at all, just a green dildo? Oops.

Also we think there's not nearly enough anal action for girls in fandom. Fool #33 says that Sirius also doubles as a pencil holder if you turn him over, but Fool #34 defends that she wasn't sure how much his arse would shrink when she baked them so might have slightly overcompensated so he'd still fit onto Remus' cock.

Composition 1A: Pervert with Pensieve and Pickle )
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April Fools, [info]who_la_hoop! [Apr. 28th, 2009|10:21 pm]

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Title: Best Malfoy Legs Since the 1800s
Recipient: [info]who_la_hoop
Artist: [info]lilian_cho
Pairings/Characters: Scorpius, implied AS/S
Rating: PG-13 for crossdressing
Warnings/Kinks: skinny boy in a skirt
Medium: pencil; smudges cleaned in Photoshop
Summary: Draco muses that it's karma for making Crabbe and Goyle polyjuice as little girls. Lucius thinks his legs look better when he was younger. Narcissa just wants a cup of tea.
Artist's Notes: n00b drawing mistakes fixed by my art beta. The leather upholstery belongs to him (the idea of it, that is, not the physical object.) [info]who_la_hoop, I hope the pose is sexy sensual enough for you.

Best Malfoy Legs Since the 1800s )
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April Fools, [info]gin_tonic! [Apr. 15th, 2009|09:07 pm]

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Title: "Chapter 24 and Three-Quarters"
Recipient: [info]gin_tonic
Author/Artist: [info]pre_raphaelite1
Word Count or Medium: 1 wooden box, 1 copy of Order of the Phoenix, 1 piece of glass, 1 tube of noxious glue, 1 bottle of decoupage glue, 1 beeeeeeeeellion beads
Pairings/Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: very NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: crossdressing
Summary: Snape has very clear ideas on how to empty his "mind" every night.
Author/Artist's Notes: Well, despite having written everything but Snarry, I couldn't turn down the French!Maid Harry prompt you gave, [info]gin_tonic; it was just a matter of finding the right medium. When my copy of OotP fell apart onto my girl's bead bins, it came to me. I'll have you know I made this while at my in-laws' kitchen table then proceeded to take the completed project to a glass shop to have them cut and fit the glass in. So I've gotten a lot of strange looks from people in the last week which means I've done something right. :P I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 24 and Three-Quarters )
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April Fools, [info]alisanne! [Apr. 11th, 2009|01:29 pm]

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Title: School Reunion.
Recipient: [info]alisanne
Artist: [info]centuary_squill
Pairings/Characters: Kingsley/Charlie
Rating: R
Warnings/Kinks: implied blowjob, Charlie in skirt
Medium: 4B pencil, LOTS of rubbing out, messing about with the Gimp.
Summary: Kingsley and Charlie steal a moment together after a Hogwarts reunion.
Artist's Notes: [info]alisanne, you deserve so much more than my limited artistic ability is able to give you, but I hope you like it anyway! *smooches*

School Reunion )
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April Fools, [info]alisanne! [Apr. 3rd, 2008|10:57 am]

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Title: Untitled
Recipient: [info]alisanne
Author/Artist: Fool #3 / [info]dannyyy
Word Count or Medium: MS Paint
Pairings/Characters: Bill/Neville
Rating: PG
Warnings/Kinks: crossdressing, incredibly cheesy grins
Author/Artist's Notes: Happy April Fools, [info]alisanne! I hope this is to your liking.

art under cut )
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April Fools, [info]blpaintchart! [Apr. 2nd, 2008|12:24 am]

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Title: He's mine
Recipient: [info]blpaintchart
Author/Artist: Fool #2 / [info]sethkyne_blue
Word Count or Medium: Charcoal pencil and conté; on paper
Pairings/Characters: Regulus/Severus, Sirius
Warnings/Kinks: bondage, cross-dressing, legilimens!sex (Is it? :P)
Summary: "What's the matter, Black? Your brother seems to like the dungeons."

Author/Artist's Notes: Haven't drawn in ages and I hope you enjoy this! My very first attempt at fanart, EVAH, and the only drawing of mine I've ever posted online anywhere. *blushes*

Clicky. )
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