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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]sdk! [Apr. 10th, 2010|03:46 pm]

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Title: Luna L. Lovegood - LEFTHANDED!
Recipient: [info]sdk
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Medium: markers and pen
Pairings/Characters: Luna Lovegood only
Rating: G
Warnings/Kinks: none
Artist's Notes: Okay, I had a really hard time figuring out what to do, since I can apparently write and do art. Well, yeah, I can do art. Anyway, I've never drawn Luna before. Well, maybe once or twice at cons, but she's certainly a stranger to me, and since this was supposed to be an "outside of your comfort zone" challenge, not only did I not do an underlying sketch of it, I drew it all with my left hand. And OMG I HATED IT!! Seriously? I'm glad I did it, and by the end I was getting better, but...

Yeah, totally outside the proverbial comfort zone. Hope you like it.

Luna Lovegood )
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April Fools, [info]sdk! [May. 1st, 2009|10:53 pm]

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Title: "Composition 1A: Pervert with Pensieve and Pickle"
Recipient: [info]sdk
Author/Artist: [info]pre_raphaelite1 and [info]thegildedmagpie
Word Count or Medium: Luna: Pen, coloured pencil, and paper; Remus/Sirius: Sculpey clay
Pairings/Characters: Luna with Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: Voyeurism, masturbation, Anal-Vegetable insertion, crossdressing
Summary: Luna has a pensieve and a penchant for pickles (and creators who like alliteration).
Author/Artist's Notes: [info]sdk, we wanted to include as many of your prompts and interests as we could, hence Luna's toy. We sort of missed the request for no food!smut once we saw you listed "pickles" in your interests... If you like, we can tell you that it's not a pickle at all, just a green dildo? Oops.

Also we think there's not nearly enough anal action for girls in fandom. Fool #33 says that Sirius also doubles as a pencil holder if you turn him over, but Fool #34 defends that she wasn't sure how much his arse would shrink when she baked them so might have slightly overcompensated so he'd still fit onto Remus' cock.

Composition 1A: Pervert with Pensieve and Pickle )
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