Mar. 21st, 2013


Who: Sirius Black and Tim Riggins
Where: Around and about on the island
When: Directly after this
Warnings: Language likely, nothing more.
Summary: Sirius is upset, and has decided to run around outside for a little bit with some company.
Ghostly Encounter: opt-out
Status: closed/incomplete

If you promise not to tease me, I'll even play fetch with you. )

Mar. 12th, 2013


Who: Jeff and OPEN Tim
Where: The Pink Flamingo
When: Late afternoon
Warnings: Dirty, dirty, dirty minded Jeff
Summary: I literally have no idea with him. :-D
Status: Open/Incomplete
Ghostly Encounter: Opt Out

If he had to be kidnapped, this wasn't half bad. )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Open to All Residents
Where: The Ballroom
When: Monday, March 4, sunset
Warnings: None
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: James & Lily's wedding reception
Status: OTA/Ongoing
Note: Subthreads/plots welcome! The more the merrier~

can you think of a better way to start a week than with a wedding? )


Welcome to the reception, all! Do feel free to enjoy the food, have a slice of cake, congratulate the bride & groom, or try to make off with the best man. Okay, possibly not that last one, but it's more or less a free-for-all so please have fun.

Feb. 24th, 2013


Who: Tim Riggins & Sirius Black
Where: The Sports Bar
When: Backdated, Friday, February 22, around 8 PM, following this
Warnings: foul language maybe, underage drinking, and general moping
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-In
Summary: playing a game of pool to try not to think about their worries
Status: !Dice/Complete

you can count on me if you need somebody to count on )

Feb. 18th, 2013


Who: Shaun and Tim Riggins
Where: The Gym
When: Monday, mid-morning
Warnings: Language, otherwise tbd
Summary: Shaun has decided to work out for a bit, or at least he's attempting to.
Status: Open/Complete
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-in

He could do this. )

Feb. 11th, 2013


Who: Tim Riggins & Sirius Black
Where: The Sports Bar
When: Monday, February 11, late evening
Warnings: foul language maybe, underage drinking, and probably a lot of guy talk
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-In
Summary: saying hello and meeting some of the locals
Status: !Dice/Complete

consider this my audition for wingman )

Feb. 10th, 2013


Who: Selina & Tim
Where: The Sports Bar
When: Late late late Saturday night/Early Sunday morning
Warnings: Possibly low
Summary: Tim needs alcohol and Selina wants to flirt with the cutie
Status: Closed/In progress

April 2013




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