Mar. 23rd, 2013


Who: James Potter & OTA
Where: Elevator; currently stuck on the second floor
When: Friday, March 22, late night
Warnings: none
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-In
Summary: James goes out blind looking for a late night snack
Status: Open/Ongoing

can't a bloke expect to be treated a bit more fairly when he's impaired? )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Open to All Residents
Where: The Ballroom
When: Monday, March 4, sunset
Warnings: None
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: James & Lily's wedding reception
Status: OTA/Ongoing
Note: Subthreads/plots welcome! The more the merrier~

can you think of a better way to start a week than with a wedding? )


Welcome to the reception, all! Do feel free to enjoy the food, have a slice of cake, congratulate the bride & groom, or try to make off with the best man. Okay, possibly not that last one, but it's more or less a free-for-all so please have fun.


Who: Open to any male residents at the Crown Plaza
Where: The Dive Bar
When: Sunday, at 9PM
Warnings: Language, it's a bunch of dudes hanging out and getting drunk
Summary: It's James Potter's stag party.
Status: open/complete
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-out
Notes: Feel free to start sub-threads for over the course of the night, and have fun!

It was time to get the party officially started. )

Feb. 28th, 2013


Who: Sirius Black and James Potter
Where: The lobby then Halloween Forest bound
When: Wednesday, before noon
Warnings: Language, possibly talk about sex, and witch hunting?
Summary: Sirius and James think it's a brilliant idea to go bag a hag.
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Ghostly Encounter Opt-Out

Do you need me to stroke your ego some more? )

Feb. 24th, 2013


Who: James Potter & Lily Evans
Where: Candyland; Carnival Valley
When: Sunday, February 24, midday
Warnings: None
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: playing the games, seeing the sights
Status: Closed/Complete

did you ever imagine that this was the sort of thing you'd wind up doing when you found out you were a witch? )


Who: James Potter & Ian O’Shea
Where: Candyland; Carnival Valley
When: Saturday, February 23, midday
Warnings: none
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-out
Summary: James runs across someone new while checking out the sights out in Carnival Valley
Status: !Dice/Complete

Who knew Muggles could be so much fun? )

Feb. 10th, 2013


Who: James Potter & Sirius Black
Where: The Dive Bar
When: Sunday, February 10, late evening
Warnings: foul language or potentially negative future discussions
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-In
Summary: seeking advice from a friend, questionable or otherwise
Status: Closed/Complete

have you any idea how i should be handling all of this? )


Who: James Potter, Lily Evans & Harry Potter
Where: Harry's room; 122
When: Sunday, February 10, midday
Warnings: none at present
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: a meeting of generations and some disclosures about a less-than-pleasant future
Status: Closed/Complete

so that's the way of things, is it? )

Feb. 9th, 2013


Who: James Potter & Lily Evans
Where: Lily's room; 304
When: Saturday, February 9, evening
Warnings: sexual banter; suggestive dialogue; adult content
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: talking about life, the universe, and one Harry Potter
Status: Closed/Complete

can you believe we're parents? )

Feb. 6th, 2013


Who: James Potter & OTA (or !Dice if they want it!) Phil Coulson
Where: lobby
When: Sunday, February 3; evening of arrival
Warnings: James? idek. i think none.
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: wandering mostly naked and lost on arrival
Status: !Dice/Complete

excuse me, have you any idea where i'm at? )

April 2013




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