Mar. 6th, 2013


Who: Connor Temple & Abby Maitland
Where: First floor Kitchen #1
When: After the Wedding
Warnings: None predicted
Summary: Connor has some odd behaviour to show Abby, and for a change it's not his!
Status: Closed/On-going

Show me the funny! )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Open to All Residents
Where: The Ballroom
When: Monday, March 4, sunset
Warnings: None
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: James & Lily's wedding reception
Status: OTA/Ongoing
Note: Subthreads/plots welcome! The more the merrier~

can you think of a better way to start a week than with a wedding? )


Welcome to the reception, all! Do feel free to enjoy the food, have a slice of cake, congratulate the bride & groom, or try to make off with the best man. Okay, possibly not that last one, but it's more or less a free-for-all so please have fun.

Feb. 21st, 2013


Who: Jess Parker, Hilary Becker, Emily Merchant, Claudia Brown, Nick Cutter, Abby Maitland, Connor Temple, Danny Quinn, James Lester
Where: Room 320 -- Jess' Room
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: Maybe language
Summary: The team meets and discusses what they think is going on.
Status: Closed/On-Going
Ghostly Encounter: Opt Out

This is what a field coordinator does. She coordinates her team in the field. )

Feb. 1st, 2013


Who: Nick Cutter, Claudia Brown, Abby Maitland & Connor Temple
Where: Room 109
When: Wednesday
Warnings: None predicted (possible language?) will update if required
Summary: Two dinosaurs and four homosapians = squishing and fun, until...
Status: Closed/On-going

~~~~~~~~ )

Jan. 27th, 2013


Who: Helen Cutter and open
Where: The lobby
When: Sunday morning
Warnings: Nothing I can think of, will edit if need be
Summary: Helen's musing on her new situation
Status: Open

Letting Helen loose is a bad thing. )

Jan. 19th, 2013


Who: Abby Maitland, Connor Temple and (later) Nick Cutter
Where: In their room
When: Saturday
Warnings: Nothing obvious, will update if required.
Summary: Abby's put her foot in it, and goes to find Connor. Maybe they need to see how Cutter's doing after Claudia's sudden appearance?
Status: Closed/On-going

I didn't mean it like THAT! )

Dec. 5th, 2012


Who: Connor Temple & OPEN
Where: Arcade Room
When: Wednesday Night
Warnings: n/a
Summary: It’s retro game night.
Status: open
Ghostly Encounter: opt-in/out: In

pew pew )

Oct. 29th, 2012


Who: Connor Temple & Abby Maitland
Where: Connor's Dream of The Island
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Violence, possible strong language
Summary: Connor has nightmares of loosing Abby
Status: Closed/On-going
Ghostly Encounter: opt-in/out: Out

Connor, help me.. )

Oct. 17th, 2012


Who: Trish Wellington and Connor Temple
Where: The Lobby
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: None at the moment.
Summary: Trish has decided to explore the hotel because she really isn't sure if she wants to go outside yet.
Status: closed and ongoing
Random Encounter: opt-in/out: out

Trish had been starting to get better on the train but now she was back at square one. )

Oct. 6th, 2012


Who: Nick Cutter, Connor Temple & Abby Maitland
Where: The lobby
When: Saturday
Warnings: Possible language
Summary: Is the pink room worse than the Cretaceous?
Status: Closed/On-going
Random Encounter: opt-in/out: in

Could have been worse, could have been a plague )

April 2013




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