Mar. 28th, 2013


Who: Ginny Potter and Mike Lane
Where: Mike, Adam & LilyLu's room, 307
When: Wednesday, March 27, afternoon
Warnings: adult situations/content possible and language likely.
Summary: Now that things have calmed down a degree, Ginny goes to make a peace offering to Mike and Adam. Only she finds Mike alone.
Status: closed/incomplete
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-out

Ginny didn't want to appear to be a fool because she continued staring at the young man in front of her. )

Mar. 23rd, 2013


Who: Lily Luna Potter, Scorpius Malfoy (Possibly Albus Severus Potter. Harry Potter and Ginny Potter)
Where: B17 Where LilyLu has hidden herself
When: After This
Warnings: Language Probably
Summary: LilyLu has gone into hiding because she thinks she's been or is being possessed.
Status: Closed/In Progress

LilyLu wasn't exactly used to this )

Mar. 21st, 2013


Who: Lucius Malfoy & Ginny Potter
Where: B3; The Waiting Area
When: Wednesday, March 20, late night
Warnings: umm probably?
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-out
Summary: Lucius approves of Ginny going blonde
Status: Closed/Ongoing

who knew this place could do anything good for anyone? )

Mar. 17th, 2013


Who: Jeff and all the ladies who want to mess with his head flirt with him
Where: The Dive Bar
When: Saturday evening [backdated 'cause I was sleepy]
Warnings: Loads of adult themes
Summary: Jeff discovers the full extent of his phobia in the most embarrassing way imaginable
Status: Closed to the womens/Incomplete [Please post with your ladies in separate threads -- unless they want to tag-team him, of course.]
Ghostly Encounter: Opt Out

Normally, that was just an expression. )

Mar. 12th, 2013


Who: Phoebe Halliwell & Luna Lovegood (But will open to certain others after)
Where: The Coffee Bar
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Warnings: Much flailing and visions and who knows what else
Summary: Phoebe gets her first vision since arriving at the hotel and it upsets her.
Status: Semi-closed/Ongoing

Phoebe is feeling odd and decides that leaving her room for awhile would be good -- and then she gets smacked by another fear. )

Mar. 4th, 2013


Who: Open to All Residents
Where: The Ballroom
When: Monday, March 4, sunset
Warnings: None
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-Out
Summary: James & Lily's wedding reception
Status: OTA/Ongoing
Note: Subthreads/plots welcome! The more the merrier~

can you think of a better way to start a week than with a wedding? )


Welcome to the reception, all! Do feel free to enjoy the food, have a slice of cake, congratulate the bride & groom, or try to make off with the best man. Okay, possibly not that last one, but it's more or less a free-for-all so please have fun.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Who: Albus Severus Potter & Ginny Potter
Where: First Floor Kitchen One
When: Saturday, March 2; early morning
Warnings: none
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-out
Summary: Albus apologizes about chickening out on meeting his mother after [this]
Status: Closed/Ongoing

family reunions are harder than assassinations )

Feb. 28th, 2013


Who: Ginny and Lily Luna Potter
Where: Outside of LilyLu's room then on from there
When: Backdated to the day after this
Warnings: None most likely
Summary: Mother and daughter go on a quest to find a good cup of tea.
Status: closed/on-going
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-in

Get it together, Gin. )

Feb. 26th, 2013


Who: Luna and Ginny
Where: Coffee Bar
When: Sometime Tuesday
Warnings: Looking to be tame.
Summary: Luna finds a friend but not the one she remembers.
Status: Closed/On-going

Is that really you? )

Feb. 23rd, 2013


Who: Ginny and Harry Potter
Where: Harry's room
When: Friday, evening
Warnings: None likely, unless you count awkwardness as a warning.
Summary: Ginny is going to stay with Harry until they get the room situation figured out, though she's feeling a bit awkward about things between them.
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Ghostly Encounter: Opt-out

It would be fine. At least she hoped so anyway as she reached up to give a knock at the door. )

April 2013




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