Apr. 10th, 2013


Who: Nick Burkhardt & Juliette Silverton
Where: Lobby
When: Wednesday
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Juliette is back and Nick goes to talk to her.
Status: Closed

------------------ )

Mar. 21st, 2013


Who: Nick Burkhardt & Monroe
Where: Monroe’s room.
When: Thursday
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Something was bugging Nick and he wants to ask Monroe about it.
Status: Closed

off to visit Monroe v.3 )

Feb. 5th, 2013


Who: Jaz Parks & Nick Burkhardt
Where: Her suite
When: Now
Warnings: Possible language
Summary: JD and sympathy, as Nick discovers his girl's gone.
Status: Closed/On-going

Loosing people never got easier... )

Dec. 7th, 2012


Who: Juliette Silverton and Nick Burkhardt
Where: Their room
When: Friday evening
Warnings: Maybe some emotions, but that's about it
Summary: Juliette is coming clean on what she knows to Nick.
Status: Closed, ongoing
Ghostly Encounter: opt-in/out: In

Nick had a right to know what was going on with Juliette even if she was angry with him. )

Dec. 2nd, 2012


Who: Nick Burkhardt & JJ
Where: Outside
When: Sunday
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Nick is lost in his head until he is interrupted by JJ.
Status: closed/dice
Ghostly Encounter: opt-in/out: In

++++++ )

Nov. 19th, 2012


Who: Nick Burkhardt & Hank Griffin
Where: Hank’s Room
When: Sunday
Warnings: possible language?
Summary: No more network talking, time to talk face to face.
Status: Closed
Ghostly Encounter: opt-in/out: OUT

knock knock )

Oct. 26th, 2012


Who: Nick Burkhardt & Juliette Silverton
Where: Their room
When: Friday night
Warnings: none for now
Summary: Nick shows Juliette what he found the other day.
Status: closed
Ghostly Encounter: opt-in/out: In

<{{{>< )

Oct. 15th, 2012


Who: Sam Winchester & Nick Burkhardt
Where: The British Library Reading Room
When: Sunday
Warnings: Nothing expected, but will update if required.
Summary: A Grimm and a Hunter meet whilst looking for information on the hotel and island.
Status: Closed/On-going
Random Encounter: opt-in/out: In

There has to be something about this place... )

Oct. 4th, 2012


Who: Nick Burkhardt & Juliette Silverton
Where: Room L113
When: Thursday night
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Round two of the Grimm talk.
Status: closed/on going
Random Encounter: opt-in/out: Out

déjà vu )

April 2013




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