In These Stones Horizons Sing

A Torchwood Panfandom RPG

The Random Community


July 17th, 2009

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Huh...there's a new exhibit at the museum. Rodin.

Sounds profitable interesting.

July 2nd, 2009

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June 19th, 2009

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I went through a rift! A rift! And not just any rift, the rift! I don't know about ya'll but this is some amazing stuff, right here. This beats out just about everything I've ever done and ya'll can ask anybody who knows me besides Eliot just how true that is because that's saying something, for real.

June 17th, 2009

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If I wanted to be in Cardiff, I would've come here instead of Japan. I don't need some damn rift forcing me places I don't want to be. Sounds like something a geek with too much time on his hands made up.

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I've been brought through a rift in space and time and picked up by the ghostbusters. And people call me crazy.

And, more importantly, my money is not in my account. Why isn't my money in my account? That was my money. I like my money. It's mine. I'm very unsettled. In an angry way.
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