In These Stones Horizons Sing

A Torchwood Panfandom RPG

The Random Community


August 22nd, 2009

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Oh...this is bad...really bad.

I was in the middle of a raid and now I'm here and my guild is going to get completely slaughtered without me there to heal them. Not to mention I have no idea what I'm supposed to do without a guild...and I really doubt that the rift in time and space brought my character with me. And that was a 65 Priest! And now I'll have to start over from scratch and it'll take forever...and what's the point if I don't have my guild? This really, REALLY sucks. Majorly. ;-(

Maybe this is a good time to listen to my therapist and try to create a real support system...outside of online gaming. Yeah. I can do that! And maybe this time I can find a new therapist and they won't break up with me. And oh! Oh! Now I don't have to worry about Zaboo! Or stupid Wade. Or any of that. Yay me! Right. So, anyway...I'm Codex Cyd. Cyd Sherman. Cyd isn't short for anything. So...this is Cardiff? It's nice...rainy, but I hear that's sort of to be expected. Yeah. Great to be know...all things considered.

I got flash cards. With aliens on them...and how to deal with aliens. That's kind of weird...not going to lie...but kind of cool too.

June 19th, 2009

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I went through a rift! A rift! And not just any rift, the rift! I don't know about ya'll but this is some amazing stuff, right here. This beats out just about everything I've ever done and ya'll can ask anybody who knows me besides Eliot just how true that is because that's saying something, for real.
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