Oct. 1st, 2012


❝ so when you get that feeling, keep dancing, 'cause i am the DJ. ❞

[ Lynette didn't do nervous. No one did it well, but, she really hated being nervous. It was a trait that belonged to her, not Xaiver, not Maelys, or the other two. Her: Lynette En-Smith. Xavier blew off nerves by running in like a bullheaded idiot, and Maelys just accepted nerves and moved with the flow. Lynette paced back and forth, bit on her nails, and tapped her foot. Plenty of her traits she could trace back to Xavier, given their stupid messed up passing, but she could tell what was her and what was him now. The time she had taken off to get her head fixed was needed and forced. Still, she needed it.

Now, she was ready go to back exploring the universe. That was a trait that she got from Xavier. Xavier did it in the military, she went around with the Last of the Time Lords. Xavier and her had different motives, but she knew it came from him. Maybe that's why she was worrying so much that the Doctor wouldn't show. Or that he would and wouldn't be the Doctor she knew.

Time is stupid and works so crazily that he could have had a different face now. Maybe it had been one life, two lives - five lives - since he last saw her. She really hoped that she sent the message she did at the right time. Bran had shown her how to telepathically send messages, but, it wasn't natural for her current life. Humans weren't really telepathic.

Lynette sighs and looks at her wrist watch. Bran had already gone, taking Red back to her time and home. Now she was stuck in the grand hall, waiting for the bow tie dork to show up. ]

Jan. 31st, 2011


❝ oh, wheel of fortune, i'm hoping somehow... ❞

[ Linette pushed herself off the railing of the TARDIS and against the console's rim. Really, 1773 Virgina? She knew that the history of her own country was pretty important, especially around the Fourth of July, but she signed on to see places in the stars she had never seen before. Alright, she just more signed on because she was homeless, but that wasn't the point. ]

Let's go somewhere new. You know, don't you have a big-red-button that's labeled random or something? [ She pointed to the yellow and red buttons on the console. ] God sakes, you have ketchup and mustard on here, Doc.

Nov. 16th, 2010


❝ it's the perfect time of year, somewhere far away from here. ❞

[ Saturday nights at the biggest San Fransisco bar, The Brick Yard, were always insanely busy. She had only tagged along because she was filling in for the band's guitarist while she was on maternity leave. Even then they weren't doing a lot of performing that night. Kasey was off working on whatever deal she was trying to do with her underground business, while Linette Smith was hitting up the pool table.

And kicking ass.

Admittedly, most the guys were drunk. It wasn't really a fair match.

She sighed, leaning against her pole and looking around at the bar. What she liked about this one was, despite how busy it was, it was never loud or obnoxious. It was a calming social environment. Until someone got thrown out for being too drunk. That was her entertainment for the evening. So far only one person had been escorted out. She was almost disappointed. ]