Apr. 28th, 2011


❝ the fire in your eyes keeps me alive, i'm sure in her you'll find the sanctuary. ❞

[ While the Doctor and his companion traveled the stars, there was always something happening on Earth. Most of the time it was hardly extraterrestrial. There was an organization, called the Sanctuary Network. Founded by Dr. Gregory Magnus and continued on by his daughter, Dr. Helen Magnus. It had lasted into the 21st Century and, unknown to Helen, would continue on.

The Sanctuary Network had numeral allies throughout it's history. The United Nations, sometimes grudgingly Torchwood, and several privately owned businesses. Therefore it did work hand in hand with the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, also known as U.N.I.T. The United Kingdom branch preferred a more "politically correct" rethinking of the name, but to the North American branches, it remained the same name.

Helen Magnus ended the call from U.N.I.T. Lt. Fred Mills, a life long friend to Helen, acted as the liaison between U.N.I.T. and the Sanctuary Network. When one needed the other (usually meaning they needed her help), he was the one to contact them. Possibly because he was the only member of U.N.I.T that Helen properly trusted in the 21st Century. Mainly due to the fact that she possibly had helped him receive the position.

With the cell over, Helen stood and moved to her desk to begin ordering tickets for the flight. ]

Apr. 25th, 2011


→ ❛ if you can stay for one more hour, can you stay one more hour? ❜ (pt2)

Kate didn't say anything once Helen sat down and began eating without a word. Her sunglasses were on, and Kate knew that was a way to try and hide her eyes. Not that Helen bothered to brush the tear streaks away, which Kate guessed as a good-bye, given the Doctor didn't come back with her. Instead Kate let them sit in silence, toying with her straw in her hands.

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→ ❛ i don't need to change this atmsophere we've made. ❜ (pt1)

With a thud, the large bag hit the old oak desk. It was placed in a manner that it wouldn't cause the other objects to fall down, as if it had been placed down several times in the exact same spot. Just as the mail had been placed on the desk in the same manner. With a sigh, Helen Magnus flicked her long brunette hair over her shoulder and began to thumb through the mail.

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Dec. 9th, 2010


→ ❝ the feeling here, it's all because of it's time of year. ❞

[ from here. ]

I take it that means you've never seen a business give out baskets.

[ Cham twirled his fingers around to gesture to the area around them. As in, the entire empty nightclub. Technically, they weren't open yet. But, Magnus's people always got special treatment. For reasons Cham never said. ]

This? This is a business. I've got a legitimate business here! And, the not-so-legitimate one. But, my illegal doings help keep you and your boss informed. I think that it merits a gift basket.