May. 31st, 2013


❝ hope you can keep up boys, cause believe me, i’m the bee's knees. ❞

[ The thing about knowing a time traveler was that when you decided to have a 'let's catch up because it's been a while since we've talked' meeting? You never know how much time has passed for him. You have no idea if he's changed his face or if the message was delivered at the right time. The cool thing about knowing a time traveler was that the meeting could happen whenever they wanted! Which, given Lynette enjoys a party now and then? She's decided the height of the Roaring Twenties. It's a time period she's never experienced in her lives.

Not to mention she wants to see what the parties are like that inspired 'The Great Gatsby.' Completely biased.

Lynette dresses for the time, making sure not to bring too much attention to herself as she makes her way through the large crowd. What is the quote from the book? 'I love big parties, there's something intimate about them.' Or something like that. It is pretty easy to discuss sensitive topics during huge parties because no one is paying attention. Turning her head around to try and spot a face that would belong to the Doctor, Lynette sits down at a table and crosses her legs.

So she has a milkshake at a party with liquor. She totally doesn't care. ]