March 21st, 2008

[info]sivullinen in [info]hidden_treasure

FIC REC: Makka na Ito (Hikago)

As part of the IJ Asylum meme, I decided to post a rec here, for the free for all month! It's for Hikaru no Go, because I totally failed to post recs for that back in October. *hangs head*

Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Type: Fic
Title: Makka na Ito
Author: [info]dorrie6
Pairing: Gen, though there is subtext.
Warnings/Rating: PG
Where to find more by this author: at [info]emotionalperil, fic asylum
Why should people click? It's Hikago fic on InsaneJournal, OMG. This is a fic that, I think, has many features that I adore in Hikago fics. There is humour (Waya is amazing, and Hikaru in denial just right) and there is that heart-squeezing obsession/love that we love in Hikago canon, as well. Also, there are multiple mentions of Ko Yongha's hair. What's not to love? *g*

extract )

[info]qem_chibati in [info]hidden_treasure

[mod post] Free for all;

Having spoken with the new co-mod [info]clubsfive (I'm the nice one for the record. =P), we've agreed to let it be a free for all for the rest of March.

I've enabled posting for everyone, so feel free to go nuts posting any recommendations you have until April 1st;

If you're interested in signing up for April or any future months, please post to our sign up post located here.

P.S If anyone is interested in helping out, with administration please let me know.