Apr. 18th, 2008


Doctor Who Fic Recs 2 & 3, April: Edge of Doom & Cheating Time

Fandom: Doctor Who
Type: Angst
Title: Edge of Doom
Author: orianna2000
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler; Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Warnings/Rating: Teen
Where to find more by this author: http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=3115
Link: http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=19646&chapter=1
Why should people click? This is exquisite angst at is most beautiful and touching. You'll cry an ocean of tears reading this and yet it's one of my all time favorites. You can't walk away from this and not be touched.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Type: Angst, Drama, Romance
Title: Cheating Time
Author: Gillian Taylor and WMR
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Warnings/Rating: Teen
Where to find more by this author: http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=544 & http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=637
Link: http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=15901&chapter=1
Why should people click? If you love angst with the promise of a happy ending then I highly recommend this story. The authors pulled out all stops and as a result you'll cry at the utter heartbreak the Doctor is going through even as you want to hit him over the head for doing something he knows is stupid. Well written and thought out I think it'll leave you very satisfied in its conclusion.

Apr. 7th, 2008


Life Whatever That Means

Fandom: Doctor Who
Type: Angst, romance
Title: Life, Whatever That Means
Author: Texasgal
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Warnings/Rating: All Ages
Where to find more by this author: http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=4420
Link: http://www.whofic.com/series.php?seriesid=1152
Why should people click? This author writes absolute jewels that will touch your heart.