March 22nd, 2008

[info]mojavedragonfly in [info]hidden_treasure

After The Dust Has Cleared by Miss Becky

Fandom:Once Upon A Time in Mexico
Title:After the Dust Has Cleared
Author:Miss Becky
Where to find more by this author:Miss Becky's profile
Link: After the Dust Has Cleared
Why should people click?
Once Upon A Time in Mexico (OUaTiM) is a small fandom of the movie sequel to "Desperado." The movie stars Johnny Depp as a corrupt CIA agent (Agent Sands), and Antonio Banderas as the guitar-playing gunfighter Sands tries to manipulate (known as "El").

Miss Becky's first OUaTiM trilogy, called "Still Standing" is an absolute classic in the fandom, and I can think of nothing better to rec first in order to introduce people to OUaTiM. After the Dust Has Cleared is followed by When All is Said and Done and finally, by Que Queires en La Vida. The first two stories are action-adventure, but not slash, though the relationship between El Mariachi and Sands is angsty and intense. In the third story (which is in English, despite the Spanish title) Miss Becky satisfyingly gives us a slash relationship. I guess you could refer to the first two as pre-slash. I have a friend who has trouble believing in many slash relationships, but she totally accepted this one because of the intense build-up to it in the first two stories.

In After the Dust has Cleared, which, like many OUaTiM stories, begins right at the end of the movie, El Mariachi, a man who often operates more on instinct than on reason, kidnaps the injured Agent Sands from the home of Jorge Ramirez, for reasons even he isn't entirely clear about. Sands slowly heals while El drives them aimlessly from town to town, telling the blind Sands nothing about where they are going or why. For some reason, one of my favorite moments in all of Miss Becky's stories is the scene where they eventually try to kill each other, and reach some kind of understanding.
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