Sep. 21st, 2007


Doujinshi rec [Nobuta wo Produce]

Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Doujinshi (scanlated)
Author: Mizuho Risona/ Cute Beat Junction
Pairing: Shuuji/Akira
Warnings/Rating: PG for the first part, NC-17 for the second
Link: and (2nd part is locked, you have to join the community)
Why should people click?
Shuuji and Akira. In a Doujinshi. Need I say more? Well, there are also fangirls which tells you that the plot is as ridiculous as always in doujinshi :D I really like the artwork, especially the way the hair of these characters is drawn. And, the second part is totally worth the trouble of joining the comm! ;)

Sep. 19th, 2007


Fic rec: For Akira, Truth is a Nudist (Nobuta wo Produce)

Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Fic
Title: For Akira, Truth is a Nudist
Author: storyteller
Pairing: Akira/Truth Man, Akira/Shuuji
Warnings/Rating: PG
Where to find more by this author: storytellerific LJ community
Why should people click?
This is amazing! You can just flail at all the awesome things the author has managed to fit into this quite short piece: the fun, the insane crack (that is canon crack!), the characterization. *flails*

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Sep. 16th, 2007


Fic rec: Not all is gold that shines (Nobuta wo Produce)

(Uh, sorry for the spam? ^_^;;)

Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Fic
Title: Not all is gold that shines
Author: asinful
Pairing: None
Warnings/Rating: G
Where to find more by this author: LJ Memories
Why should people click?
Shuji, Akira and Nobuta go treasure hunting! So you should definitely read this for the original plot. After all, a large proportion of Nobuta fics revolve around similar themes, but this doesn't - unless you count beautiful trio dynamics ♥ Thsi fic is also relatively free of spoilers, so if you want to see what kinds of things this fandom has to offer before watching the drama, please check this one out :)

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Fic rec: Soft (Nobuta wo Produce)

Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Fic (one-shot)
Title: Soft
Author: jain
Pairing: Shuuji/Akira
Warnings/Rating: NC-17
Where to find more by this author: Livejournal or website
Why should people click?
The author gives this an NC-17 rating, although in my opinion it's more like R, and I definitely don't think people should read it for the hotness (not that I have any complaints about that), but for the sweetness ♥ And most of all, people should it FOR AKIRA. He is just as goofy as he should be without being over the top.

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Sep. 10th, 2007


Fic rec: Speed of Light (Nobuta wo Produce)

Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Fic
Title: Speed of Light
Author: peroxide_fic
Pairing: None
Warnings/Rating: PG
Where to find more by this author: Fic community
Why should people click?

This is a fic that I recced to my sister as "even if you don't read any other Nobuta fic you must read THIS". It's just under 1,000 words, it's funny, it's gen, it's true to the spirit of the canon; in one word, it's wonderful. Even though it's short, there's much insight to the characters and the dynamics between the trio. This is something you want to read after you finish watching the series and go "nooo there needs to be more!" *g*

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Sep. 5th, 2007


[Nobuta wo Produce] Pimp posts

Hi everyone, I'll be reccing Nobuta wo Produce fics to you this month! Because I'm not sure how many of you have actually seen this wonderful Japanese drama that is the best thing I've seen on screen ever, I thought I'd start by reccing two amazing pimping posts - if they don't make you want to watch this, I don't know what would :D The drama has only 10 episodes, so watching it all is something you can do in one night (yes, that has been tested... twice.)

Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Pimp post
Author: darkeyedwolf
Warnings/Rating: A few images
Why should people click? If you want to know what this drama is about, if you want to see pictures of pretty Japanese guys, if you want to roll on the floor laughing, if you want *cough* download links, I'd suggest you click this link - you'll get all of that, and more!

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Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Type: Pimp post
Title: Korete DESTINY? [Reccing Nobuta Wo Produce.]
Author: bookshop
Warnings/Rating: Again, quite a few pictures
Why should people click? This pimp post concentrates more on the aspects of Nobuta that make this show so special oh so special, HEART-WRENCHINGLY SPECIAL. Also has links for downloading. If you read this and still go "ehh, I don't really know..." I don't know what's wrong with you ;)

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