

Posts Tagged: 'character:+margaery+tyrell'

Nov. 29th, 2017



Who: Eliot and Margaery
What: A diplomatic meeting between monarchs
When: Day Three, after dinner
Where: Margaery's room
Warnings: Some language
Status: Ongoing

Long live the king. Long live the queen. )

Nov. 28th, 2017



Who: Margaery, Thor, Bruce, Cap, and Bucky
What: Adventures in Chicago
Where: Out on the town
When: First evening, to late
Rating: Some minor violence.

How exciting. )

Nov. 20th, 2017



Who: Queen Margaery and Thor
What: Demonstrations of power.
Where: Her room, the kitchen, and around Chicago
When: First thing, Day one morning
Rating: Medium/Low

She accepted his favor. )

Nov. 13th, 2017



Who: Steve, Margaery
What: Greetings and Training
When: Late Tuesday Night
Where: Margaery's room
Warnings: Iron!Steve
Status: In Progress

To Rescue a Damsel )