

Posts Tagged: 'character:+thor+odinson'

Nov. 30th, 2017


Who: Eric & Thor
What: Exchange of information
When: Day 2, 1920s Chicago
Where: Lounge
Warnings: Some language, Spoilers for Ragnarok
Status: Complete

You didn’t have to say bar twice to Thor )

Nov. 28th, 2017


Who: Thor & Bruce
What: An apology is in order.
Where: Hotel, Bruce's room.
When: 2nd day, late afternoon.
Rating: The fluffiest thing you'll ever read.

I will endeavor to do the opposite of Stark. )



Who: Margaery, Thor, Bruce, Cap, and Bucky
What: Adventures in Chicago
Where: Out on the town
When: First evening, to late
Rating: Some minor violence.

How exciting. )

Nov. 22nd, 2017



Who: Thorpunzel & Xenoeric
What: The desire to make pie turns into a feast
When: Day 3; early evening; Backdated to Halloween Week
Where: The Kitchen
Rating: High (Some gore with Kool-Aid and Corn Syrup Blood, fighting, shouting, weapons)
Status: Complete

... )

Nov. 20th, 2017



Who: Queen Margaery and Thor
What: Demonstrations of power.
Where: Her room, the kitchen, and around Chicago
When: First thing, Day one morning
Rating: Medium/Low

She accepted his favor. )

Nov. 17th, 2017


Who: Thor Odinson & Bruce Banner
What: It's not a dress, it's a tunic.
When: Day 2
Where: Exploring and Lounge
Rating: Low, Minor Spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok
Status: Complete

As I'd click my heel, all the trees would kneel. )

Who: Thor, Diana and Anders
What: Reality check
When: Backdated, Thor's day 1
Where: Lobby, Lounge
Rating: Low, Minor Spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok
Status: Complete

Hear now the speech | that first he spake: Harken, Loki, | and heed my words, Nowhere on earth | is it known to man, Nor in heaven above: | our hammer is stolen. )

Nov. 11th, 2017



Who: Judith and Thor (and later Erik)
What: Hair braiding and magic pie
Where: The Kitchen
When: Tuesday afternoon/evening, after Repunthor's distress call.
Rating: Medium, with the occasional bad language. Also, pot

Gimme a head with hair. Long, beautiful hair. )