

Posts Tagged: 'character:+jesus'

Nov. 9th, 2017



Who: Jesus and Eliot
What: Sharing new memories
When: Day 1, morning
Where: Jesus's room
Warnings: N/A
Status: Complete

You're right. There isn't anything you can do. )

Jul. 4th, 2017



Who: Eliot and Jesus
What: Waking up ten years older
When: Day Two
Where: Jesus's room
Warnings: Mild flirty kissy faced handsiness
Status: Complete

It took a minute for his eyes to focus, blinking and blinking again to clear the sleep from them, but they didn’t want to focus on the text on the page until he held it just a little further than he usually would. )

Jul. 1st, 2017



Who: Eliot and Jesus
What: Eliot and Jesus wake up to a new, boring week
When: Day One
Where: Walking around the hotel
Warnings: Mild language and PDA
Status: Complete

Eliot actually started to look forward to a nice, boring week. )

Jun. 26th, 2017



Who: Jesus and Eliot
What: Jesus shaves his beard
When: Backdated last week, day 7
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Moderate; sexual content, language

Just relax a little. )

Jun. 25th, 2017



Who: Eliot and Jesus
What: Second to last day in captivity
When: Day 6, morning
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Moderate but not explicit adult content
Status: Complete

But he only slept for a few hours. He never slept for more than a few hours at a time, and half of the time he was woken up by nightmares. The nightmares didn’t come, but the anxiety that kept him from sleeping through the night did. )

Jun. 21st, 2017



Who: Jesus and Eliot
What: Eliot tries opium. Jesus makes a decision.
When: Day 3
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Drug use, language
Status: Complete

Goddamnit, Eliot. )

Jun. 18th, 2017



Who: Eliot & Jesus
What: Day One was long for Eliot, the rest of the week is gunna suck.
When: End of Day One
Where: Eliot's room where he is imprisoned for the week
Warnings: Eliot and Jesus get nsfw creative
Status: Complete

Seriously, I’d sing for you if I didn’t think it’d make your ears bleed and babies cry. )



Who: Eliot, Rowena, Godric and Jesus
What: Eliot just wants privacy, but Rowena insists on solving the problem
When: Way back to Day One
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Mild
Status: Complete

Did you flirt with the librarian? )

Jun. 12th, 2017



Who: Jesus and the Head Librarian
What: Asking for some help
When: Morning, Day 1, immediately after this
Where: The Library Under the Neitherlands
Warnings: N/A
Status: Complete

People who read their books often discover that they don't like the main character, and are rarely happy with how it ends. )



Who: Eliot and Jesus
What: Eliot has a new "door"
When: First thing, day one
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Swearing is back, people!
Status: Complete

...the attempt made a sort of bug zapper sound. )

Jun. 8th, 2017



Who: Eliot and Jesus
What: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
When: Getting started early, day six
Where: Mostly Eliot's room
Warnings: Uh, NSFW
Status: Complete.

I am extremely talented at forking things up. )

Jun. 5th, 2017



Who: Eliot and Jesus
What: Jesus catches Eliot crying, basically
When: Day five
Where: Eliot's room, then the kitchen
Warnings: Mild
Status: Complete

Why do you always try to get me intoxicated? )

Jun. 3rd, 2017



Who: Stevie and Jesus
What: Nice people sharing food and being kinda bummed
When: Day fourish?
Where: The kitchen
Warnings: That feeling you get when kittens are sad
Status: Complete

He's a frozen treat with an all new taste! 'cause he came to this planet from outer space! A refugee of an interstellar war! But now he's at your local grocery store! )

Jun. 1st, 2017



Who: Jesus and Michael
What: Forming opinions
When: Afternoon, day 3
Where: The office
Warnings: Mild; mentions (literally, mentions) of sex and drug use
Status: Complete

Has Eliot ever not tried to get you intoxicated? )

May. 31st, 2017



Who: Eliot, Jesus, Quentin and Claire
What: Party in Eliot's room
When: Day Two
Where: ...Eliot's room
Warnings: Moderate; drug use, tbd
Status: Closed, in progress

It was better to inoculate Jesus as soon as possible. )

May. 30th, 2017



Who: Jesus and Eliot
What: Only kind of freaking out
When: Day one, morning
Where: Eliot's room, then the kitchen, then Eliot's room again
Warnings: Moderate; drug use
Status: Completed

Things just went from weird to weirder. )

May. 28th, 2017



Who: Jesus and Eliot
What: Afterparty makeouts
When: After the ball
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Language, drinking, and makeouts
Status: Completed

Pink frosting is totally your color. )

May. 22nd, 2017



Who: Jesus, Fem!Cas, and a horse
What: A meeting
When: Day 4, Afternoon
Where: The Lounge
Warnings: Mild. It's Jesus and Cas we're talking about.
Status: Closed/In-Progress

Why is there a horse inside the hotel? )



Who: Eliot, Erik and Judith (with surprise appearance by Jesus)
What: Taking a countryside trip, part one
When: Starting Wednesday
Where: Leaving London
Warnings: Language and SCANDALOUS PDA
Status: Complete

Any doubts Lord Renton had about his distant cousin and his friends were mostly smoothed over by Eliot. )

May. 19th, 2017



Who: Jesus and Eliot
What: Jesus cooks!
When: Evening, day 1
Where: Eliot's room
Warnings: Mild; some language
Status: Complete

He can't turn water into wine, but he can find wine like nobody's business. )