

Posts Tagged: 'character:+bonnie+bennett'

Dec. 25th, 2015



Who: Bonnie and Enzo
Where: Bonnie's room
When: The day after This
What: Bonnie shows Enzo a real Christmas
Status: Closed/On-going
Warnings: Xmassy nonsense, booze and Enzoness

Santa baby, stick a sable under the tree, for me.... )

Dec. 21st, 2015



Who: Bonnie Bennett and Enzo
Where: Bonnie's room
When: After Enzo's 'snack'
What: Bonnie gives up some of the info she's learned
Status: Complete
Warnings: Possible talk of blood, death and likely strong language

~~~~~~~~Clickety Click~~~~~~~~ )

Dec. 11th, 2015



Who: Bonnie Bennett and Hansel
Where: The kitchen
When: Day 2 of her stay
What: Breakfast starts with an awkward encounter
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Warnings: N/A (will update if required)

Witch plus Hunter equals breakfast... )



Who: Bonnie Bennett and Enzo
Where: The boiler room
When: shortly after her arrival
What: Bonnie's exploring and finds trouble from home
Status: Complete
Warnings: Enzo - possible language? Hints at violence...will update if required

Don't go in the cellar... )