haere mai - in character

June 2022



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Posts Tagged: '-player:+chele'

May. 16th, 2021



may 16 :: flounder

I'm getting a piercing. Yup. No idea where but I'm getting one today.

[ PLOT :: TWO CHARACTERS EACH decide to get a new piercing today. ]

May. 10th, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes


May. 7th, 2021



Network Post: Sharon Carter

Look, I'm not trying to be mean. I really appreciate the warm welcome and I really appreciate the beach, but I was busy. There was a lot going on. I had things to do.

May I please go back now? Is there a queue?

May. 6th, 2021



Network: Colin Bridgerton [001]

Good morning.

When I returned home from Greece recently, I had no plans to travel again for some time, and yet here I've found myself strangely in a new place, one I have very little knowledge about. Not only that, but it appears I've found myself in a new time as well, and that is truly fantastic. I can't quite wrap my mind around how it's even possible.

Never mind my confusion and fascination, I ought to introduce myself. I'm Mister Colin Bridgerton, recently returned from a tour of Greece, from London, England, and the year 1824. I imagine it will take some time for me to become acclimated and settled here, but to my surprise, I'm looking forward to the change and challenge.

May. 4th, 2021



netpost: rey skywalker

This is one of the nicest dwellings I've ever had. I didn't know what to expect upon arrival but this was certainly not it. Everything is so clean. Thank you again the for the kindness and hospitality.

Are introductions customary on this planet? Even if they are not, I think I'll go ahead and do so. My name is Rey Skywalker.

I believe some of you may be from my Galaxy. I can sense



Network: Quentin Coldwater

[a little while after this]

Right. Hi. A friend helped give me the rundown of this place as much as anyone can, and I guess I'm supposed to say hello.

This isn't my first world-hopping experience, but it might be the weirdest. Maybe. It's kind of hard to say.

Oh, I'm Quentin.

May. 3rd, 2021



Network: Neville Longbottom

Hey, uhm if anyone is looking for employment and you've got a green thumb, or you would like to learn to have a green thumb while also earning a paycheck, feel free to let me know.

I'm just a month or so out from The Community Garden's opening and could use an extra pair of hands. No like, pressure though. Just if anyone wants! Please help I am begg


This is Morgan Treeman )

May. 2nd, 2021



2 May | Carol Danvers

When I was in school, I always hated the ice breaker games. "Pick an animal to go with your name", "Make a poem about your summer break", "Share your name and sit there quietly even though you are a tiny person with a lizard brain." So, here's something different.

Tell me something about you and I'll tell you the flavor of truffle you should pick at Berries Cafe.

(Hi, I'm Carol Danvers. Most people call me Carol. Before you ask ... I can fly, don't touch Goose unless he gives you permission, and I can pack a pretty punch. It's good to meet you all. Philosophical question: Is this what the universe thought it would take for me to go on vacation? I'm going for the key lime white chocolate truffle.)



network | Hermione Granger

Is there a good knitting supplies shop around here?

PS: Did you know there are yarn tours? There might be alpacas there. Everyone should go.