haere mai - in character

June 2022



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Mar. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Clint Barton
When: Tuesday March 8 (backdated)
Where: A phonebooth
What: Clint answers a payphone and gets a surprise
Status:Complete narrative

Oh Oh, telephone line, give me some time. I'm living in twilight )

May. 26th, 2021



Texts: Penelope & Eloise

Sent separately to Penelope & Eloise.

» Hello, Penelope.
» Were you aware that in this world - and others, I expect - we are characters in a book?
» A series of books, in fact.
» The cover is illustrated.
» image.jpg
» - C. Bridgerton

» Eloise, dear sister.
» I would like to try my hand at cooking.
» If I am successful, can I entice you to sample it?
» I believe I'm going to try making something called mac 'n' cheese.
» Your brother, Colin

May. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm surprised WAD didn't open a second apartment building in Auckland. More jobs, more school, more shopping...

May. 16th, 2021



Network: Duke Crocker

Some of you already know me, but with influx of new tree arrivals over the last few weeks... hey, I'm Duke. I've been here a few months, and I'm usually either out on the water or finishing up some work in my restaurant set to open up next month.

Consider this the official 'let me know if you're interested in a job.' All positions are available. The Grey Gull is modeled after the place I ran at home, and we're set to have a soft opening on June 9th with the bigger opening the following weekend. Let me know if you're interested.



may 16 :: flounder

I'm getting a piercing. Yup. No idea where but I'm getting one today.

[ PLOT :: TWO CHARACTERS EACH decide to get a new piercing today. ]



Network: Peggy Carter [01]

I realize he's not here, but that's no reason not to blame this all on Howard Stark anyway.



may 15 :: cassie lang

Okay so I've been told there's people from my world here, my dad and Hope aren't here though.

I'm Cassie, Scott Lang's daughter.

May. 13th, 2021



13 May | Lily Potter

My husband has told me a bit about this place and even introduced me to the art of a selfie, I'm still not completely sure I get the purpose, but it is entertaining.

Anyway, I'm Lily Potter. It seems this is where we introduce ourselves.

May. 10th, 2021



Network Post: Bail Organa [001]

I admit this is not where I anticipated I would end up at anytime, let alone at this moment in time.

My sincere and many thanks to my grandson my grandson, Anakin Solo, for showing me to my temporary apartment and for answering several immediate questions I had after my initial intake.

It will take some time for me to settle in here, I'm sure, but in the meantime, greetings to those of you present who have also been displaced to here. I'm Bail Organa, Prince Consort and Viceroy of Alderaan, a planet I'm told is in a galaxy far, far away from this one.

Onto more pressing matters: would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to where I might be able to find a stiff drink and good music? Jazz is preferred.



Network: Bucky Barnes


May. 9th, 2021



may 9 :: pogue parry

So, I guess I'm not going to Harvard. That's... great.

Anyways, I'm Pogue Parry.

May. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

Sorry to anyone I might have woken up. Not a great first impression even though I've been here since Th.

Hi, I'm Lydia.

May. 7th, 2021



Network Post: Sharon Carter

Look, I'm not trying to be mean. I really appreciate the warm welcome and I really appreciate the beach, but I was busy. There was a lot going on. I had things to do.

May I please go back now? Is there a queue?

May. 6th, 2021



Network: Colin Bridgerton [001]

Good morning.

When I returned home from Greece recently, I had no plans to travel again for some time, and yet here I've found myself strangely in a new place, one I have very little knowledge about. Not only that, but it appears I've found myself in a new time as well, and that is truly fantastic. I can't quite wrap my mind around how it's even possible.

Never mind my confusion and fascination, I ought to introduce myself. I'm Mister Colin Bridgerton, recently returned from a tour of Greece, from London, England, and the year 1824. I imagine it will take some time for me to become acclimated and settled here, but to my surprise, I'm looking forward to the change and challenge.

May. 5th, 2021



TJ & Alicia

TJ & alicia
Early February - Alicia's Room
"Well, that depends, how much hair gel do you go through a month?"

read Read more... )



[No Subject]

Hi there! I know I haven't really spoken much on the network, but I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sabrina Spellman and up until recently I was and I definitely understand the complexities of the multiverse. You see, I actually got to spend some time in Atlantis before I came here.

I'm a witch. You'll see me with a black cat named Salem. He's my familiar and he chose to settle in the form of a cat. He protects me and we work together. I always thought we'd travel. But I have to admit, New Zealand was definitely not on the list of places to go.

Are there other witches here? If so, what sort of magic do you practice?



[No Subject]

This 'network' thing is pretty ace, right? You newcomers have no idea how good you have it, but we're glad you're here anyway.

I'm Tonks don't even try to and I know there are official-type people to do this, but I'm also happy to answer any questions or show you around. Or help your trivia team win.

May. 4th, 2021



netpost: rey skywalker

This is one of the nicest dwellings I've ever had. I didn't know what to expect upon arrival but this was certainly not it. Everything is so clean. Thank you again the for the kindness and hospitality.

Are introductions customary on this planet? Even if they are not, I think I'll go ahead and do so. My name is Rey Skywalker.

I believe some of you may be from my Galaxy. I can sense



may 4 :: flounder

One of the things I've come to really love about being on the surface is food. You guys have so much variety ans flavors. I mean, algae end up tasting all the same after a while.

Anyone wants to join me in Taco Tuesday?



Network: Quentin Coldwater

[a little while after this]

Right. Hi. A friend helped give me the rundown of this place as much as anyone can, and I guess I'm supposed to say hello.

This isn't my first world-hopping experience, but it might be the weirdest. Maybe. It's kind of hard to say.

Oh, I'm Quentin.