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Aug. 15th, 2011


Dude, what the heck is going on with my city? Stuff just appearing where it never was before? Way not cool. Smashed my damn bike!

[private to Bruce & Dick]
So what are we doing about this?

Aug. 5th, 2011


[Private to Barbara & Bruce]
Just giving you two a head's up....I'm kidnapping Alfred. We're going to run away together and get married, because he makes amazing coffee.

Jul. 28th, 2011


The clown's been a little too quiet. Maybe it's time to pay him a visit after all.

Jul. 26th, 2011


So what? We all get jobs or go to school now and pretend everything is okay?

Is that what we're supposed to do? I'm not much for sitting still, particularly when I have goals in mind.


I'm not ashamed to say I'm a bit confused...Somebody want to tell me what's going on?


Is there a college here? Might as well enroll since it doesn't look like we will be going home anytime soon. What classes are offered if there is one?


Well I'd like to offer an official apology. Parties at Wayne Manor aren't usually like that. Oh, who am I kidding, yes they are. I'm sure if anyone needs assistance with anything, Bruce and I will be happy to help out.

[private to Bruce]
Can we change the locks and make Dick sleep on the porch?

Jul. 25th, 2011


...The fuck?


One minute I'm in Metropolis, and the next I'm in Gotham. What the hell just happened?


Looking for information. Got any?

Jul. 24th, 2011



Has anyone seen my son? I was with him and the suddenly I stepped into a paved street when I was walking in my door.

I need to go home, my son, we just moved and now...Ben!?


I knew I wanted to end up in the big city, but this wasn't exactly the city I had in mind.

You'd think I'd be used to weird things happening to me by now.

Jul. 22nd, 2011


Well Bruce, it certainly looks like you have your hands full.


Ladies and gen-tle-men. Allow me to introduce myself. Call me Joker. The Joker. And we're all going to have so. Much. Fun.

You see Gotham's getting boring. Tame. Complacent. I stayed nice an quiet for a while but it's time to stir things up again. Create a little chaos. My friends and I, see, we've learned some new tricks. So we want to play a game. And all of you get to be a part of it.

Rule number one. There are no rules. There never have been.

Some of you might get hurt, maimed, electrocuted, sliced, diced, or mauled along the way.. But don't worry. It's all part of the plan. Keep your channel tuned in to JokerTV because we're going to kick of the new programming schedule with a real BANG! Just. You. Wait.

In the meantime our little family has just enough room for some expansion. So if you think you can make it through the intensive selection process we want you.

Oh and Bats? If you're out there. And I know you are. Try and keep up.


Filtered to Gotham natives

[ooc: Posted after this]

Can anyone tell me what the deal is with this Batman guy?

Jul. 20th, 2011


Usually I would say something witty and attempt to make all of you laugh, but to be honest, I seriously doubt many of you have anything to laugh about. Despite all that, I would like to welcome you all to our fair city of Gotham and wish you the best stay possible while you're here. I have seen to it that lodgings and means of communication will be distributed to each and every one of you, and should you need anything at all, one of my assistants will do their best to get on that immediately.

Bruce Wayne