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[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:35 pm]

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Who: Wesley (screen name: magikbow) and Ryan (screen name: arrowcraft)
What: Chat over the schools internal message system.
When: This afternoon before they had off to Boston

More than you probably wanted to know about the Barton twins )
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Thread: Longshot & Dart [Mar. 25th, 2008|08:51 am]
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Who: Chester and Ryan?
WHAT Eye of the tiger, baby!
WHEN Mid morning

That was much more his style! )

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[Group Two] [Mar. 20th, 2008|08:08 pm]
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WHO: May Parker, Wesley Barton, Chial Neramani, Ryan Barton, Arabella Elizabeth Summers, Heath Cameron, Jack Murdock, Reilly Fireheart
WHERE: The F4 Simulator
WHEN: After This

Everyone had been invited into the room, and that's when the doors slammed shut behind them.

Their guide was quick to assure them that everything was OK, and perfectly all right – and then the guide was drowned out by a very loud, very obnoxious siren. The room goes dark, and when the lights come back on (although the lights that come back on, are much dimmer than the lights that where on previously) their guide is gone. The room is empty save for them .. for now.

ooc: It's like the danger room … only it's going to start throwing all kinds of random Marvel Villains at them. Go Nuts. Also they can't figure out how to turn it off. Also! Someone from this post, please feel free to set off the alarms in the previous post!
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Field Trip Post # 1 – The Tour Begins -- forward dated to Thursday [Mar. 19th, 2008|09:32 pm]
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Field Trip Post # 1 – The Tour Begins -- forward dated to Thursday
Once arriving at the Baxter Building, the students would find themselves separated into groups, the better for keeping things under control. Each group was to be lead on a tour by a holographic tour guide, and than once the tour was over, the groups would be brought to re-group at the entrance of the building. Everything was carefully planned, so that the tour groups would all be in different areas at different times.

The tour guides were pleasant, informative, although a little lacking in the sense of humor department, as they didn't find it funny when people walked through them.

All in all, it should have been a pleasant trip to the Baxter Building . . .Had there been a pre-cog amongst the group, they could have told anyone concerned that about fifteen minutes into the tour, everything was going to go to hell.

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OPEN TO ALL [Mar. 10th, 2008|02:00 pm]
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Today, Building One officially became The Xavier Building and Building Two had become The MacTaggert Building. Sean had always said that the buildings should be named, but there had always been some sort of crises that had to be dealt with, and in the end, giving the buildings names had been at the very bottom of everyone's to do list.

When the decision had been made to name the buildings, Emma decided that simply putting a plaque on the front of each wouldn't be enough. There had to be an official ceremony.

The Ceremony )

That's it folks! Post and tag at will! GAME START!
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