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[Jul. 8th, 2008|04:34 pm]
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WHO: Chester & Jimmy!
WHAT: With the dust finally settled, Chester ventures out for food
WHERE: Kitchen!
WHEN: Tuesday, afternoon.

Ketchup is the only sauce for me! )
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[Jul. 8th, 2008|03:22 pm]
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WHO: Heath and Ren
WHEN: Recentish, I believe.
WHERE: Ren's room.
WHAT: They so need to talk…

Ren is totally pouting. )
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Log: Terry and Phil [Jul. 7th, 2008|11:35 pm]
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Who; Terry Ellsworth and Phil McCoy
When; BACKDATED to June 17th, morning
Where; The hallway between their rooms
What; Terry had some fucked up dreams the night before about Phil's mom and flips out.

I'm not actually schizo, dickface. )
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log: Janis and Dave [Jul. 7th, 2008|12:51 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones and David Samson
What: Janis is doing some laundry after the Canada Thing. Janis is all "Hey, let's talk about our situation!" And Dave is all "OK!" And then the Hulk is all "I HAVE A BETTER IDEA." Who wins? (Hint: No one really wins, but Dave ends up laying on the laundry room floor all by himself at the end of the log).
When: Thursday the 3rd, I believe?
Where: Laundry room.

You.... you could.... you can go back to ... yelling at me now... )
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Thread: Jack & Heath [Jul. 6th, 2008|11:00 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Heath Cameron
When: Sunday evening, June 6
Where: Heath's room
What: So, apparently Heath needs some advice on how to deal with a gay brother. Jack doesn't have a gay brother, but he supposes he might know a little something about the subject.

Ta da! )
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Log: Tuesday, Jack, Richard, and Duckie [Jul. 6th, 2008|01:57 am]
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Who; Tuesday and Jack, and then Richard, and then Richard leaves and Duckie comes in
When; BACKDATED to July 4th
Where; Outside somewhere, and the at the medlab
What; Tuesday and Jack start the log off comparing powers. Then Richard shows up, bitches with Jack, and then Jack shoves him and Richard hits Tuesday with a quarter instead of Jack to make some kind of point and be all 'oooh look what you made happen to your friend, you loser' or something. Anyway, Jack and Tuesday go to the medlab and get Duckie to fix Tuesday.

...Is that the Kentucky state quarter? )
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log: Phil and Charlie [Jul. 4th, 2008|11:14 am]
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Who: Phil McCoy and Charlie Cooper
What: They share cake. A whole cake. This log kind of not finished, but it kind of is? Kelly, if you want to tag it, go for it, otherwise... the point of them eating cake = definitely made. xD
When: Awhile back ago! At least before Mojo.
Where: The library!

Charlie doesn't joke about cake! )
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log: Jack and Phil [Jul. 4th, 2008|11:10 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock and Phil McCoy
What: They meet, they talk, they decide to get back together. Ah, like you didn't see it coming. WE ARE SO TRANSPARENT.
When: July 2
Where: Academy grounds

Sprechen Sie Englisch? ¿Habla usted inglés? Parlez-vous anglais? )
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thread: Jamie Madrox and open [Jul. 3rd, 2008|10:34 am]
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WHO: Jamie Madrox (x2) and OPEN!
WHAT: Contraband!
WHERE: Starting off outside
WHEN: Today!

This was going to be trial-and-error )

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[Jul. 2nd, 2008|09:37 pm]
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[Maximoff Family Bonding --? ]

WHO: Wes Barton, Ryan Barton & Magnar Maximoff
WHERE: Car, coffee shop
WHEN: A bit ago.. actually it's still under debate
WHAT: Magnar needs babe advice, so after his failed attempt with one cousin, he turns to the other duo. Ryan drives like a grandpa. Magnar debates flowers. Wes plays a prank. Wackiness ensues. No, really, it does. Just read. Chances are, you'll chuckle.

Does she seem to dig on the Magnar love? )
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log: the McCoy Boys [Jul. 1st, 2008|10:40 pm]

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WHO: Phil and Pete
WHEN: waaaaaaaay back when everyone got home from Mojo II: Electric Boogaloo
WHERE: in the medlabs
WHAT: nothing to see here, folks! move along. just a little growing pains!

Phil fights the urge to say that wanting to hit Jack is normal. )

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LOG: ROSIE & PHIL [Jul. 1st, 2008|10:49 pm]

who: Rosie Kincaid & Phil McCoy
when: Earlier today
what: Phil brings her her gift :D
I drink juice and milk and water-- )
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Log: Jack, Phil, & Pete [Jul. 1st, 2008|11:09 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock, Phil McCoy, and Pete McCoy
When: BACKDATED to Sunday morning, prior to Jack leaving for Canada
Where: Phil & Pete's room
What: Jack goes to apologize to Phil, ends up being invited in, and a very awkward and uncomfortable experience ensues. It's nasty.

Welcome to Chez Uncomfortable, population: 3. )
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Log! G3 & Ink [Jul. 1st, 2008|08:42 pm]
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Who: Heath, Gunner, Gabe, & Garrett
What: Nana Emma gives the boys their first mission to save Heath from himself.
When: Early Wednesday morning
Where: Medlab, Heath’s screwed up mind.
You're a candle, we're wildfire. )
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log: Janis, Jack, and Dave (part 2) [Jul. 1st, 2008|07:44 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones, Jack Murdock, David Samson, a surly waitress, and a headless stuffed turtle.
What: Before they make it home, they stop at a diner where Dave hears that Janis thinks he's crazy, Janis throws a shoe at Jack, and Jack becomes attached to a stuff turtle he names Phil. There was some drinking involved, you guys.
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Mildred, Saskatchewan.
Warnings: Oh. There's drinking, mild violence, cussin' and fighting...oh! and blatant disregard for Canadian seatbelt laws.

You're doomed I'm doomed the turtle's doomed. )
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log: Janis, Jack, and Dave (part 1) [Jul. 1st, 2008|07:40 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones, Jack Murdock, David Samson, and Some Mounties
What: Hulk go to Canada! Dave is under suspicion by the Canadians of being the Wendigo! Janis calls the Samson home and finds out Dave's location. She recruits Jack to help her find Dave! They succeed, but they have to convince the mounties that Dave can go home with them.
When: Sunday evening. On Monday, they arrived home-- just in time for Canada Day today! WOO!
Where: Mildred, Saskatchewan!
Warnings: It's kind of long? It's so long, IJ didn't let me post it on one part. Gosh. Uh. THIS IS PART ONE.

We'll get this cleared up in a jiff. )
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log: Andi & Alison, Joan and St. John! [Jul. 1st, 2008|07:24 pm]

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Who: Andi Storm, Alison Blair, St. John and Joan Allerdyce.
What: The Dazzling Dazzler and the Brotherhood-tough-guy Pyro go on a date. Andi and Joan tag along secretly, like in any good sitcom... there's sabotage. Whacky hijinks ensue.
Where: Some random sushi bar in New York!
When: I'm going to be vague here. It happened a little while ago! Shh. It's timeless.

What's a good sexy drink? )
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log: Janis and Dave [Jul. 1st, 2008|07:11 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones and Dave Samson
What: The two have a disagreement. Janis goes to Dave's room (it's sans-door still!)-- she brings him a glass of water as some sort of peace offering (??). Dave gets nervous and very nearly Hulks out on her. Then Janis says something important that Dave doesn't realize is important. There's a funny little delayed reaction at the end.
When: LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO. I didn't post it, and then the log that is forthcoming mentions it. So I was like "Shoot, I oughta post that!" This is before Mojo, around the 18th of June.
Where: The Academy!

I want to be with you. )
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Log: May and Rosie [Jul. 1st, 2008|12:16 pm]
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Who; May Parker and Rosie Kincaid
When; Backdated to ... a couple days ago, when Rosie asked May to get the webbing out of her hair
Where; Rosie's room
What; Rosie said she had web in her hair, but that's a lie. It was a liiiie. So they end up sitting and chatting.
Warnings; Unless feeling Rosie up or girls kissing offends you? None.

I see what you're doing Miss May and I raise you... )
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Log: Matt and +OPEN+ [Jun. 30th, 2008|08:15 pm]
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WHO: Matt Castle and YOU?
WHAT: How'd he get here? When did he get here? And what's he watching on TV?
WHERE: in the faculty lounge, now that he's faculty.
WHEN: About now.

Matt Castle can watch an episode of 60 minutes in 22 seconds. )
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