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Log: Tuesday, Jack, Richard, and Duckie [Jul. 6th, 2008|01:57 am]
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Who; Tuesday and Jack, and then Richard, and then Richard leaves and Duckie comes in
When; BACKDATED to July 4th
Where; Outside somewhere, and the at the medlab
What; Tuesday and Jack start the log off comparing powers. Then Richard shows up, bitches with Jack, and then Jack shoves him and Richard hits Tuesday with a quarter instead of Jack to make some kind of point and be all 'oooh look what you made happen to your friend, you loser' or something. Anyway, Jack and Tuesday go to the medlab and get Duckie to fix Tuesday.

...Is that the Kentucky state quarter? )
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[Jun. 19th, 2008|10:16 pm]
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Who: Dane and Whoever wants in on the Danger Room! (John? Rosie? Anyone?)
Where: Danger Room - ninja program!
When: Just when that Mojo Nanovirus hits!
What: Started out as a little spar to get out the emotions, but it's MUCH more now!

Dane was looking for some good action tonight. )
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Challenge Log! : Tom Rourke and Duckie Worthington [May. 28th, 2008|08:25 pm]
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WHO Tom and Duckie, as per request
WHAT all it said was "laundry"
WHEN Wednesday?
WHEREthe laundry room (I mean, the place has to have one)

Laundry Girl, your eyes like apple trees, your voice like sprayed Febreeze )
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log: 2 McCoys and a Duck. [Apr. 25th, 2008|11:35 pm]
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Who: Phil, Duckie, and special guest: PETE.
What: Duckie interrupts the brothers playing minesweeper to heal Phil! Woo! Pete gawks!
Where: The McCoy's natural habitat, the Labs Down Below.
When: BACKDATED: Wednesday night.

It could be actual real live MINE SWEEPING and Pete couldn't be any less interested. )
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LOG: Duckie and YOU! [Apr. 19th, 2008|01:23 am]
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WHO: Duckie and YOU? Come on. You know you wanna. =) (small cameo by Warren Worthington III)
WHAT: Coming home the hard way
WHEN: oh, today... sometime in the afternoon
WHERE: outside the school, you'll hear her coming.

Bad Landings )
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