Posts Tagged: 'p:+jenn'

Jun. 13th, 2017



Jenn's Characters

I absolutely hate writing intro posts. So much so, that this game went almost 7 months without me saying a damn thing in the OOC journal. But anyway, enough about me (Jenn), this is a post to recap my characters. Comments and questions are welcome!

A Trio of Assholes )



GBA Bingo!

code here:

Link to Lists to Generate Bingo Prompts:

The code as is contains the same prompts listed here.

From the above link you can select as many of the lists that you want to generate your bingo card. It will create a very simple table with 25 prompts based on the lists you selected. You can always use the generated table if you don't feel like editing. But, if you want to use the icon-based bingo table, you'll have to manually replace the existing words with the prompts you generated.

Have fun! And thanks again to Kate (Giovanni) for sharing this code in her cdj last year!