Posts Tagged: 'p:+kira'

Jan. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi all! I'm Kira, and this here is Terence Higgs, the third wheel of The Old Guys group. He considers himself to be the 'adult' of their little group, what with him being married with kids and everything, but he's definitely been the dad friend since they were tiny children. His family have what is known publicly as an 'import/export' business that is considered highly legitimate but operates as a front for international smuggling and has for the last 200+ years. With the institution of Shacklebolt's heavy restrictions just after the second Wizarding War, Terence made the calculated choice to join the Aurors in order to maintain a positive, squeaky free public image since he knew that pureblood Slytherin that weren't clearly affiliated were just as likely to bare the brunt of the negative backlash as those who were.

He's not a bad Auror by any means, but Terence falls pretty strongly into the chaotic neutral territory of someone who is more than willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get himself ahead. He has his limits and morals, though, and there are several things that Terence won't abide. Senseless and unnecessary death, harm to children, women, and animals, and any sort of demonstration of the hypocrisy of 'justice', which being an Auror he tends to have to confront pretty often.

Terence is very quiet about his opinions on most things and only people who know him really well tend to be aware that he doesn't think there's been a decent MoM since Millicent Bagnold retired or that he has several rather intense issue with the way things are being run. He bites his tongue most of the time, but he has a pretty acerbic sense of humor that doesn't always allow him to keep everything inside.

There's probably been more than a few snarky comments about Potter overheard in the offices.

Go ahead and throw whatever plot you have or want at me.