Posts Tagged: 'p:+katy'

Dec. 31st, 2016



Jaclyn Wood in the Hood!

Hi! My name is Katy and I'm bringing in Jaclyn Wood :)

Some of you know me from other games but if you don't, I hope I get to know you soon. Just so you know, I'm very approachable and up for just about anything. I'm available for posting on and off during the day and on most nights after 8pm when my little guy goes to sleep. I love the rapid-fire tagging both in-game and in a gdoc if you prefer that.

So, here is Jaclyn's Profile - she's small and feisty and Oliver's 'twin' sister. She's a reporter for the Daily Prophet, a Gryffindor from the class of '94 just like Noll <3 She's currently dating Sullivan Fawley (yet to be held or cast) and gets jealous easily and will voice it. She's one of the Sexy Librarians and is probably the most likely to do things her own way despite any kind of plan.

Anyway, you get the gist of it, all the extra good bits are in the profile. I have a Drop Box with screened comments or you can always get me at kittyvankat at gmail dot com <3

Can't wait to start and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!