Posts Tagged: 'p:+lena'

Jan. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey, y'all, sorry for being MIA lately. I seem to have come down with the crud :( I'll be back when I have less to the sick brain.

xo Lena

Posted via Journaler.

Jan. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Hi, y'all! I know some of you, but for those I don't, I'm Lena and I'm picking up Leanne Pucey for this lovely adventure.

Leanne is a Gryffindor from the class of 1997. She's BFFs with the other Mean Girls and is the little sister of Adrian Pucey. She was a big part of Minister Smith's campaign until after the election when she was let go. Since, she's been out of the country trying to find some new direction and has just come back just before the holidays.

Logs, texts, anything else? Gimme all of your plots. You can see her full profile here!

I'm very excited to be playing with all of you!