Posts Tagged: 'g:+garrett'

Nov. 18th, 2016



RP: Dani and Percy's Wedding

Who: Dani and Percy, Garrett, Hannah, Ron, Terry, Theo, Charlie, Draco, George, Hermione, Rhad, Lee, Dottie, Lisa, Terence, Pansy and Neela
What: Dani and Percy get married
Where: Higgs Estate
When: 18th of November, 2000

Till Death Do Us Part )

Oct. 31st, 2016



RP: Halloween at Wonderland

Who: Public
What: Just a party
Where: Wonderland
When: 31st of October, 2000

Trick or Treat )

Oct. 19th, 2016



RP: Lorelai, Garrett and Rory

Who: Lorelai, Garrett and Rory
What: She tells them about her encounter with Rabastan
Where: their house
When: 19th of October, 2000

There's something you should know )

Aug. 26th, 2016



RP: Dottie and Garrett

Who: Dottie and Garrett
What: They have a real date
Where: Greece
When: evening, 26 August, 2000

Read more... )

Aug. 21st, 2016



RP: Dottie and Garrett

Who: Dottie and Garrett
What: they catch up on gossips, family heirloom and house guests
Where: Dottie's house
When: 21 August, 2000

It's been a while )

Aug. 12th, 2016



RP: Fashion Under The Stars

Who: Open to everyone (please add your tags)
What: It's a fashion show
Where: Parkinson Estate
When: 12 August, 2000

Welcome to the Show )

Aug. 3rd, 2016




Who: To make it easier only the Death Eaters are not invited
What: A reminder for Fashion Under The Stars is sent. The event is by invitation only
Where: the skies
When: 3rd of August, 2000

Notices )

Jul. 17th, 2016



RP: Higgs Funeral

Who: Terence, Pansy, Penny, Barry, Garrett, Ron, Theo, Roger, James, Draco, Rhad, Dani, Meaghan, Lisa, Avalon, Gideon
What: Just a funeral
Where: Conservatory, Higgs Estate
When: 17 July, 2000

Death does not wash sins away )



RP: Dottie and Garrett

Who: Dottie and Garrett
What: Garrett visits Dottie
Where: St. Mungo's
When: 17 July, 2000

Don't look at me )

Jul. 14th, 2016




Who: Pansy, Penny, Barry, Garrett, Ron, Terry, Theo, Roger, James, Draco, Luna, Rhad, Dani, Meaghan, Lisa, Avalon
What: Pansy lets people know about the funeral
Where: the sky
When: early afternoon

Funeral Notices )




[Warded to James and Garret]

I've had an emergency. I won't be making it to work.

[Warded to Theo, Pansy, Ron, Draco, Terry, Luna, Dani]

My father died in the attack. My mother decided that with her family dead, she should kill herself. Pansy, do you mind helping me with this? Aurors says that my father's body will be released on Sunday morning, and I'd like to get it over with do it as soon as possible.

[Warded to Theo]

Can you come home?

Jul. 12th, 2016



RP: Garrett and Dottie

Who: Garrett and Dottie
What: Negotiations
Where: JSA, then ??
When: 12 July, 3pm

Read more... )

Jul. 10th, 2016



Journal - Warded to Garrett

I think I've found your great grandmother's ring. I'm attaching a picture for you to see.

If you think it's the right one, we can talk about price, condition, etc.

Jul. 5th, 2016



RP: Garrett & Rory

Who: Rory & Garrett
What: Roomies hanging out
Where: Their house
When: July 5, 2000 (evening)

Read more... )

Jul. 2nd, 2016



RP: Dottie and Garrett

Who: Dottie and Garrett
What: Garrett needs help finding
Where: The Witch's Brew, Diagon Alley
When: Lunch, July 3, 2000

How can I help you? )