Posts Tagged: 'g:+fleur'

Aug. 5th, 2016



RP: Friday Dinner

Who: Pansy and Ron, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy, George, Terry, Theodore and Terence, Draco and Lisa, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Dani, Lee and Hannah
What: Food and information
Where: salon
When: 5th of August, 2000

Welcome to our humble abode )

Aug. 3rd, 2016




Who: To make it easier only the Death Eaters are not invited
What: A reminder for Fashion Under The Stars is sent. The event is by invitation only
Where: the skies
When: 3rd of August, 2000

Notices )



Journal - Pansy

[Warded to Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy, George, Ron, Terry, Theodore and Terence, Draco and Lisa, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Dani, Lee]

I thought it'd be illuminating to have dinner together. This Friday at 7:30 at the estate.

Jul. 20th, 2016



RP: George and OPEN

Who: George and OPEN (Fleur? Lee?)
Where: Shell Cottage
When: Wednesday, possibly different times
What: George is still lost in his own mind, and doesn't really want that change
Status: In progress
Rating: probably low

The World Was Made of Ice Chips and Broken Balloons )



RP: Pansy, Fleur

Who: Pansy, Fleur
What: the two sisters in law get to talk
Where: Shell Cottage
When: 20 July, 2000

Well isn't this cozy )

Jul. 19th, 2016



Bio for Fleur

Fleur Weasley )