Posts Tagged: 'd:+gideon'

Oct. 29th, 2016



RP: Killing is always fun

Who: Rabastan, Death Eaters, Weird Sisters and others at the Hogs Head
What: Rabastan is bored, violence ensues.
Where: the Hogs Head
When: late evening, 29 of October, 2000

Let's kill some stars )

Sep. 24th, 2016



Warded to the Weird Sisters

Who: Merry, Gideon, Myron, Kirley, Meaghan (add comments or RP as you wish, multiple tails are more than fine)
What: Merry tells them he's returned
Where: his home
When: 24th of September

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[Warded to the Weird Sisters + Meaghan]

I'm home.

Sep. 11th, 2016



Owls from Lorelai

Owl to Gideon

Hey love,

I'm sending you the satchel that I promised you. I made this one just for you. I hope it keeps you safe.

How are you doing otherwise? I read about your bandmate. Anything I can do for you? I make a great soup that lifts the spirits and if that's not enough, alcohol will do.

Aunt Lorelai

Owl to Myron


I've read about your friend. If you want a non magical shoulder to cry on, or simply rant, let me know.


Owl to Kirley


I've read about your friend. You okay?


Aug. 29th, 2016



Journal: Gideon

[Warded to Weird Sisters + Barry]

Alright, Where the hell are you Merry?

I've let myself into your flat three different times today, and not a single time were you there. I'm pretty sure that's just rude.

Who is supposed to entertain me when Barry is busy?

Aug. 7th, 2016



RP: Barry & Gideon

Who: Barry and Gideon
What: Talking and holidays
Where: Mykonos, Greece
When: Evening, 7 Aug 2000

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Aug. 3rd, 2016



Journal - Barry

Warded to Weird Sisters

Okay boys, how about dinner at my place on Tuesday, 7 o'clock. Talked with Merry earlier, and it seems you lot could use some home cooking. Music optional, but welcome.




Who: To make it easier only the Death Eaters are not invited
What: A reminder for Fashion Under The Stars is sent. The event is by invitation only
Where: the skies
When: 3rd of August, 2000

Notices )

Jul. 31st, 2016



Journal: Gideon

We had the best Audience tonight. Our show was amazing.

I've been meaning to mention that my Aunt approached me, you know. Honest to god Aunt. Had to look up old records and shit to make sure she wasn't playing me and everything. Got a cousin who is a wizard I guess. Which is a strange thing to wrap my head around.

We've been home for less than a month and I'm itching to travel again. Get out of here before something worse happens.

Jul. 28th, 2016



Delivery for Gideon

Owl )

Jul. 23rd, 2016



RP: Lorelai and Gideon

Who: Lorelai and Gideon
What: Lorelai wants to make sure her hunch is right
Where: Diagon Alley
When: 23 July, 2000

Are you my nephew? )

Jul. 22nd, 2016



Journal: Gideon

With the last few shows of the tour sold out, I can honestly say I think this is the best tour we've ever had.

So, thanks fans, for supporting us.

I'm tired of hiding.
I'm not staying here another night.
No one has even been attacked since the wedding, maybe it was a personal vendetta.

Jul. 19th, 2016



Warded To Gideon

Gideon, where are you? I stopped by the house and people stared you weren't there. Are you all right?

Jul. 17th, 2016



RP: Higgs Funeral

Who: Terence, Pansy, Penny, Barry, Garrett, Ron, Theo, Roger, James, Draco, Rhad, Dani, Meaghan, Lisa, Avalon, Gideon
What: Just a funeral
Where: Conservatory, Higgs Estate
When: 17 July, 2000

Death does not wash sins away )



Warded to Gideon (Saturday)

Hey. I'm sure you heard about the attack at the Weasley wedding today. It's all over the news...

I'm going to stay with Terence Higgs for a bit, just until things straighten out [...] Would you like to come too?

Before you answer, it's not a long term thing. It will just [...] give us a place to think about what we need to do next.

I know it seems a bit like hiding, but I'm thinking of it more as not being alone and keeping safe while making plans.

Jul. 15th, 2016



Journal - Barry

Warded to Gideon

How are you doing? If [...] you need company, you can stay with me.

Warded to Terence

I'm sorry about your parents. Is there anything I can do to help?

Jul. 12th, 2016



RP: Barry and Gideon

Who: Barry and Gideon
What: Reunion/hanging out/surprises
Where: Barry's cottage, DraĆ­ochta County Kerry, Ireland
When: 12 July, evening

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Bio for Gideon Crumb


Gideon Crumb
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. )