
October 2017


November 6th, 2016



Journal: Luna

Has, has anyone seen my father? He wasn't in his bed this morning and the trace I put on him isn't working. He shouldn't have been able to leave the house without all the alarms going off but I didn't hear anything and he's not anywhere!



RP: Solo and Messages

Who: Merry, Kirley, Myron, Meaghan
What: Merry makes arrangements
Where: their home
When: 5/6 November, 2000. The explosion was on the 5th. The messages were sent on the 6th morning.

Solo )

[Warded to the Weird Sisters + Meaghan]

I've decided to do a Muggle surgery to become a woman. It's in the United States. I'm leaving tomorrow, because I don't want to get stuck in England if something happens after this explosion.

I'll have to be there for 10 days and recovery will not be pretty or short, but it's something I need to do. Terence is arranging for security to go with me.

This wasn't an easy decision. Strangely enough it was something that started with the captivity. Carrow forced me to see me for who I am and what I want to be. I want to be a woman. I feel like a woman inside.

I know this will be difficult for you. I don't expect you to accept it or understand it immediately, but I do hope that you will try and with time you will think of me as a woman, but until then, it's okay for you to deal with my decision as it best helps you cope.

[Warded to Meaghan]

I told him. I told him that I was in love with him, and now he's hurt and feels betrayed. Even worse, now I'm leaving. I hope you can take care of Kirley while I'm gone.

I know he's your older brother, but Kirley needs someone to take care of him, always has. Hopefully when I come back, he can start to accept what I've done.




[Warded to Barry, Ron, Theo, Terry, Jamie, Draco, Luna, Dani, Lisa, Pansy]

One of my men was working last night and he was near Westminster Abbey. He saw a man with a wand right before the explosion.

I told him to keep his mouth shut since we don't want an international incident on top of all that shit that's going down, but sooner or later this will come out. Be careful.

Also, before of work, I will be out of the country for close to two weeks. Yes, I will be back for the wedding. Pansy, we'll find a way for me to try on anything you want, but you have my measurements and you know everything always fits just right. Dani, the house elves know to help for the wedding. I'm sorry to have to leave so suddenly.



RP: Theo and Terence

Who: Theo and Terence
What: Terence needs to discuss leaving for a few weeks
Where: their house
When: Before the messages, 6th of November, 2000

Let's talk )



New Message

[Warded to Barry, Ron, Theo, Terry, Jamie, Draco, Dani, Lisa, Pansy]

After the message from Luna, I went back to talk to Merry and the bodyguard. Their description of the clothing kept nagging me. Anyway, when I pressed, they both admitted that it looked like he was wearing a night gown and slippers.

I showed them a picture of Lovegood. Neither could be certain, because they didn't have a good angle, but they are both indicated that it could be him.

[Warded to Pansy]

Could you tell her? If I leave Theo, he might throw a tantrum.



RP: Pansy and Luna

Who: Pansy and Luna
What: Pansy tells Luna about her father
Where: the forest near her house
When: 6th of November, 2000

I'm so sorry )