Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - October 1st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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October 1st, 2007

finished something [Oct. 1st, 2007|02:12 pm]


Well, I did something. Now, if it had just been on my list...
Name: The Dragon in Red
Warnings:Post DH and post epilogue, and contains epilogue characters.
Word Count: 231
Summary: The first Gryffindor Quidditch match of the season. Lucius Malfoy (the Hogwarts potions professor and head of Slytherin) is amused.
the ficlet is here
Now back to the fic of doom! I will get part 4 done today, I will.
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Item Completed--Sims2 Challenge Blog Season 4 Uni [Oct. 1st, 2007|05:54 pm]



Here's the first item completed off my list. I've been meaning to do this since the day the Harry Potter book came out, so I was definitely overdue for the update.

Title: Emerald Isle Sims Propserity Challenge Season 4 University
Author: SirenPrincess
Fandom: Sims2
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is my blog of my Sims 2 prosperity challenge. In this update, Will Turner goes to college. Missing his brothers like crazy, it is very difficult for Will. Will he prosper in college or Will he return home in shame after flunking out? What about his relationship with Shenene?

Story Index Read From the Beginning if You'd Like

Season 4 University

Funnies If you play the Sims 2 at all, check this out. They are just pictures of funny things that have happened in my game so far.
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[Oct. 1st, 2007|06:22 pm]
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[Current Mood | artistic]
[Current Music |Gwen Stefani]

Running late posting the list x_x

This must be what fear feels like )
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more of LM and the Cauldron Fic [Oct. 1st, 2007|07:57 pm]


So, yay for me, I finished part 4. Now on to part 5. I'll just stop thinking about Sisyphus now...
Rating is PG. There is a Draco/Pansy pairing. There is also cursing, sexual thoughts, and mention of torture. Entry is a bit less than 3000 words...
It rather ran away from me
Okay, I know there's an ending. I know it. I'm only 17 years away.

I'll just be over here in the corner yelling at the muse now. I have no idea why I'm suddenly writing an epic, and I want answers.
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Fic completed [Oct. 1st, 2007|08:05 pm]



Okay, so I've completed one of the items on my list (#3, the [info]fall_fantasia fic ... only I can't provide a link to it! It's for an anon fest, and that would rather spoil the point of the anonymity, wouldn't it? I dunno, you can e-mail the mod if you need proof, maybe? I'm not sure how it works, maybe I should have asked before putting all these anon fest fics on my list. Or maybe had second thoughts before I signed up for so many ...
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My Progressions so far: [Oct. 1st, 2007|09:11 pm]



Rachel and Alec:
Prompt 90 - Home
Promp 36 - Smell
Done: 2/50

Muse journal entries:
Tara McFadden
Rachel Berrisford
Padme Naberrie
Jessica Moore
consecutive week: 1 (prompt done: Dreams)

Currently working on: Fixing up my Dark Angel Icon community userinfo, NEW prompt for Voicesinmyhead (new one posted a few hours ago)

All fics and prompts are pg-13 and contain no sexual content what so ever.
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Introduction and Getting Started Meme [Oct. 1st, 2007|09:45 pm]



Name: Lithium (Or Padme if you wish)
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest: Dark Angel, Supernatural, Original Characters
Participation: Writer/Artist

The one item from your list that you most want to complete: It's actually a tie between my fanfic100 tables and my nano outline
Items with a deadline other than this fest: My nano outline: Oct 31
Most fun item on your list: organize and put up headers for my journals.
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: My fanfic100 stuff and my nano outline. *shudders* NaNo scares me.

How do you start a project? I personally get the idea in my head and then just start writing it, I don't put much thought into it when it comes to fanfic100 and such and prompts because I KNOW something will come from it if I just let it flow. Unfortunately, NaNo doesn't happen that way.
In what conditions do you work best? In my room, with my winamp and multi-tasking RPing and such with my friends on messengers.
One thing that always inspires you to create: Music.
One general thing you would really like to improve on: My fear of not completing things.
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: I really honestly only have one thing to say. Work your hardest but don't stress yourself out. Just go with it, get done what you can.

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done:
my little excert )
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mod note [Oct. 1st, 2007|11:02 pm]



On anonymous exchanges:

I'll believe you that you finished it. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

If someone gives me reason to not trust people with this, I'll have to make more strict guidelines. If you're worried about it, forward me a copy of the mod's confirmation e-mail saying they got your fic/art/whatever (most, if not all, fest mods send one, right?) at with 'finish-a-thon' and your IJ name in the subject line.

Everything you cross off of your original list as completed will be counted in the end.
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meme [Oct. 1st, 2007|11:18 pm]


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Introduction and Getting Started Meme
(worth one point)

Make a new post with the title of the meme in the subject line, answering the following:

Remember to tag with your username!

I'll start: )
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