Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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[Oct. 29th, 2007|09:43 am]


This is a modly reminder that this fest ends on Sunday, November 4th--just six days away!

Make sure the items you've finished are clearly marked or crossed off on your original list.

+Everything from your list doesn't have to be posted to this comm.
+Obviously, anonymous challenges can't be, and I'll trust that you've got them finished if they're marked as such. If there's any question about it or you feel more comfortable this way, you can forward the fest mod's confirmation e-mail to me at
+Saying you've finished something when you haven't doesn't help you at all.
+Posting links to your work instead of the actual piece is not only ok, but encouraged, since this fest is about encouraging you to finish all the claims and challenges from other comms.

When you finish, relax! Look at all the other work that has been posted here over the past month.

If you're doing NaNoWriMo, good luck! (Only two more days. o.o)
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mod note [Oct. 1st, 2007|11:02 pm]


On anonymous exchanges:

I'll believe you that you finished it. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

If someone gives me reason to not trust people with this, I'll have to make more strict guidelines. If you're worried about it, forward me a copy of the mod's confirmation e-mail saying they got your fic/art/whatever (most, if not all, fest mods send one, right?) at with 'finish-a-thon' and your IJ name in the subject line.

Everything you cross off of your original list as completed will be counted in the end.
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modly reminder [Sep. 26th, 2007|04:43 pm]


Lists can be posted through September 30, which is only four days away.

Also, I found this site, which has links to writing software available to download for Mac and PC.
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banner [Sep. 18th, 2007|04:01 am]


Take it. Pimp it. :)
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[Sep. 12th, 2007|05:02 pm]


Welcome to the Multi-Fandom Finish_A_Thon!

This a challenge to finish all of those fandom tables, requests, and projects you've had sitting around for way too long.

For more information, see the community profile.

If you have any questions, comments, problems, or would like to affiliate with this community, comment on this post or e-mail me at
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