May 7th, 2010

[info]ex_blackligh942 in [info]find_the_ooc

Hi, remember me?


This is Kate, officially back from her month-long hiatus. My thesis is complete and defended, my translation project is translated...I now have a Masters in English!

With all that done, it means I'm finally capable of getting back into the game here as FTH begins drawing toward its close. SO! Hit me up for logs, catch me up on what's been going on, all that stuff, because it would be super helpful.

- Kate

[info]foolofamum in [info]find_the_ooc

Helloooo, FTH! I am back from Virginia (le sigh!) and currently at my parents, but I'm ready to come back from my hiatus! Yaaay, huzzah, and so on. :)

I would like to jump right back in and do any and all logs of all kinds of sorts, so feel free to nab me if you see me online or email or whatever!
