April 23rd, 2010

[info]suchaprettyme in [info]find_the_ooc


THIS IS GILDEROY LOCKHART (Ravenclaw 76). He's pretty. You may recognize him as that guy who used to work at the coffee shop by the Ministry--the one who wrote his name in the foam! Or maybe you recognize him from his work for Kendall's fall collection! Or maybe you recognize him from his page long stream-of-consciousness journal entries! Or maybe you want to deny recognizing him but you totally do.

You recognize him, right?

Friends! Enemies? Anyone? :D

[info]thedandiest in [info]find_the_ooc


I'm not really sure what to say, BUT the first person to be contacted will be his darling precious wife, and then his darling precious baby brother! Hurrah. I'm going to go ahead and say that some kind-hearted civilian happened to be nearby and spotted it and alerted the DMLE fairly quickly, but Cyril still got nommed a bit and would have been unconscious when they brought him to St Mungo's! He'll be fine though (and not a vampire! thank GOD, he might have to jump out a window ala Nick Harrow). it'd be pretty obviously a wrong place at the wrong time sort of thing once he wakes up and can tell people what he remembers (which is to say: very little). enough to give a description of one vampire, though!

and I don't really know what else to say but email me or comment if you have questions! I'm guessing that by tomorrow morning, extended family will know (since Mrs Warrington is a drama queen and will be milking this for all she's worth).