April 17th, 2010

[info]onthetown in [info]find_the_ooc

Hello, FTH!

So! Lydia was attacked tonight and then had her bum saved by a Miss Morgan MacDougal before anything truly terrible could happen to her. Long story short, Lydia was beaten fairly severely by the vampires, then sucked upon as they had every intention of turning her and then forcing her to see morning. They didn't get quite that far, however, and instead Lydia was just very, very nearly drained completely which has left her sickly, icky pale and with lots of bruises and abrasions and whatnot.

She'll be fine, but in fairly rough shape at first because of just how much blood she did lose. They'll put her on potions, but she'll be out for a while as they fix what wounds they can fix given they were caused by dark creatures and setting the others so they didn't rip open again.

Also, Whit has given me permission to godmod Sturgis and let everyone know that he set up camp at the hospital once he got word because Lydia and Sturgis just plain aren't very good at being stereotypical ex-spouses. (She did not, however, give me permission to godmod Sturgis into doing inappropriate things with livestock, which she pointed out.)

That's all! Mwah!

[info]hitsyouhard in [info]find_the_ooc

Duh duh duuuuuh.

Regarding this entry:

Six vampire heads with their mouths stuffed with garlic (two of which are on a pike, thanks Angus) will be left for the early-morning personnel on the steps of the Ministry of Magic. If anyone is actually around at the ungodly hour of 4:00am (though I can't imagine why), they will see three masked citizens leaving them there and apparating away (one will side-along). Kindly left are signed confessions via Dictoquill for the murders of Nicholas Harrow and the two citizens that had been killed the previous evening, as well as for the attack of Lydia Townsley. Also left is said Dictoquill so that the investigative team can verify through magic that the letters were-not-in-fact-forged, and a typed note:

Found something for you.

So yup, Angus, Sturgis, and Morgan were quite busy.

Khushi, it's up to you if you want one to have confessed to Meredith's attack! So that can be up for grabs if you'd like. <3