April 6th, 2010

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

because it has come up!

Just a quick thing about this month's calendar, as I've been asked about it by a few different people:

Yes, there are a lot of vampire attacks. No, there's not a lot of Death Eatery, aside from the mid-month plottage.

Lately, things have happened in game that have led to a sort of "well, why aren't the DEs attacking them?!" kind of thing, where someone shoots their mouth off in their journal and the DEs would go after them because of that whole In Character Actions = In Character Consequences thing. And some planned attacks haven't made as much sense once the time comes for them to happen as they had made when the calendar was first made.

So, regarding DE activity ... the DEs can still be doing stuff. Go out and create chaos, guys. Utilize non-related NPCs if you just want to have fun, or if you want to cause plot, chat with other characters about using their family members for terror, but be sure to run it past the mods, as well! And non-DE players? Just keep in mind that if your character shoots off their mouth and attracts the notice of the DEs, we might start up discussions about stuff happening (ICA = ICC!) as a result, regardless of the calendar.

And as for the vampires, that's part of a plot to get the curfew extended to not being just on the full moon, but month-round. It's not necessarily the DEs going "HEY VAMPIRES, GO ATTACK THIS SPECIFIC PERSON," but more of a "wrong place, wrong time" kind of thing (see: Meredith Watkins last Friday night). Unless you want your character to be specifically targeted (see: Morgan MacDougal), in which case, hit up the modlies if you've already volunteered your character to be attacked. (We're trying to not OVERSATURATE the month with vampire attacks, so we don't need any more, sorry.)

Like I said! I've just been asked about these two things by multiple people, so I just wanted to go ahead and clear things up for everyone. :)

Also, due to an overabundance of Real Life, Wolfie is stepping down as a mod. Wolfie, we love you! Go kick Real Life's butt!