March 22nd, 2010

[info]thebluedahlia in [info]find_the_ooc

hiatus note

I'm taking a little game hiatus, guys, just to sort some stuff out. Not sure how long it'll take but considering spring break is in the last week of March, spilling over into April, I will probably be back then.

*edit* Err.. hiatus starts after putting up the D&D log, of course. xD


[info]aureilia in [info]find_the_ooc

"Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Joséphine Bones, la mariée de Jonathon Bones, née à Marseille le 11 janvier 1956. J'aime faire du ski, les pamplemousses, et bien sûr, j'aime la façon dont je suis jolie !"

Okay, that's enough for now. Because seriously, she will do that all day if you let her.

HELLO EVERYONE. Kaitlin here with my fifth (omg, I keep saying I'm done and I'M NEVER DONE) character, Joséphine, the wife of M. Jon Bones of Chelsea, London. Joséphine is pretty much what you'd expect of a Pureblood socialite, except when she's not. While she may be pampered, pretty, and cultured, she would like you to please fermez la bouche about blood purity, because mon dieu, how gauche..

She is three months pregnant with the Susan-bean, and currently trying to deal with the fall-out of giving her husband the go-ahead to join the Order, only to have him outed as a member oooooh, a week later. Though she's normally a fixture on the social scene, the Incident At The Ladies Luncheon and the outing of the Order have significantly cut back on her glittering and world-saving. Those who know her through social functions or through her husband and extended family either find her fascinating and charming or painfully snobby, depending on how they tend to view the French. Her full bio is here, though it's not pretty yet.

She needs friends, family members, society ladies and gents who love or hate her, etc. Also, she has a little sister named Margot who can be picked up for a song for anyone who is itching to play a slightly-rebellious though mostly-blank slate lady!
