March 13th, 2010

[info]wellcomposed in [info]find_the_ooc

The Vance-Warrington Wedding!

After years of postponing, months of dread, and a week of drama --


The reception would have been held here in North Yorkshire, and been themed in white & blue (which would have carried over to the bride herself and her bevy of beautiful bridesmaids). It is likely for the best that I have no images to share of the groom's half of the wedding party, but they would have all been in blue as well, with white boutonnières, themed to fit with the bridal bouquet & bridesmaids' bouquets respectively.

And cakes. Let us not forget the cakes.

Music (of the traditional variety) would have been present as well, and speaking of presents, the wedding favours would have been boxes of artisan tea.

A GIGANTIC thank you to Claire for putting all these images together, and especially for organizing the following menu, which is completely awesome:

Images Ahoy! )

Anyway, feel free to comment with anything your character might have done at the wedding or reception, toasts they may have made, other guests they may have glared at, etc. etc.!