February 13th, 2010

[info]foolofamum in [info]find_the_ooc

Corner Memorial!

Hey, kids! :)

Today was the memorial at Dodderidge Park on Euphoria Lane for the Corner family that Andromeda and Sarah put together. It started at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and took place in one of the pavilions. It was nice and toasty in the pavilion due to ~magic~ and there were lots of seating available to anyone that showed. At the front there were two large pictures of Florence and Jonathan separately and also a little collage of pictures that were more candid, fun shots of the two of them. All of the flower arrangements that might have been sent or dropped off would have been at the front as well.

The whole memorial would have been sort of casual. Andromeda would have said a few words, thanked people for coming, etc etc. Then, the Podmores, Laelia Nott, and Dorcas Meadowes would have had the floor to say whatever it was they wanted to say about Florence and Jonathan. After that, anyone would have been able to get up and share stories, give speeches of hope, wtfever they wanted to say.

Once things began to wind down, Andromeda would have invited people to stay as long as they wanted in an effort to promote togetherness and whatever in their mourning. People were free to go whenever, though!

So, if you want to comment here and note if your character came and if they said anything... any reactions or any of that, that'd be awesome!