January 8th, 2010

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

quick note!

H'okai guys! I just updated the calendar with this little bit of news that we completely slipped on adding:

On Wednesday, January 13th, Barty Jr will be put on trial for all the various things he was accused of in that article. More info on the trial will be put up on Wednesday by ... someone. Whit, perhaps? Or one of the DMLE peeps. Or even from the mod journal, who knows?

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

stop, hammer time

Alrighty guys! Last night was the end of the check-in period, so technically this should have gone up then. Blame the fact that I have to be up at 5:30 - 6:00 on weekday mornings now and was to exhausted to do anything last night.

ANYWAY. The end of check-in period brings sad tidings. We are sadly losing Jenny and her two characters, Will Proudfoot and Hector Gibbon. Additionally, Dawn has decided to drop James Potter, but Alie snapped him up immediately, so he is being simultaneously added and removed.

So! Please swing by the button and click it for all your characters: it's just a click now, which makes it so much easier to update a bunch of characters' lists at once!