December 27th, 2009

[info]bangesandmash in [info]find_the_ooc

Dinner with the Bangeses

Okay, so. Tonight was the dinner for their friends at Marion and Quinn's place, in Ottery St. Catchpole. The list of invitees are here!

As for food, there was a variety of stuff: Szechuan noodles and pan-seared potato coins for side dishes; chicken French with butter sauce, chicken curry, and baked ziti for main dishes; mocha hazelnut marble cake for dessert; and then of course, some wine. :D

Miranda was dolled up, of course. Fed before coming so she would probably be asleep for some time, but then would be wide awake when the guests started getting comfy. Marion would def. be bringing her around to introduce to everyone.

SO who came and stuff?